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             Is holistic search marketing worth the


            Whether  on  Google,  Bing,  Amazon  or  other           comes  apparent  after  several  months.  It  takes
            search  engines:  organic  and  paid  results            about  half  a  year  for  the  website  to  reach  its  full
            compete  equally  for  the  user's  attention  on  the   performance. Only then can it be reliably evaluated
            search  result  pages,  implicating  obviously  that     how the search engine evaluates the page, where
            search     engine    optimization    (SEO)    and        the page ranks organically and whether it needs to
            advertising  (SEA)  should  be  thought  of              be improved. Regarding user experience, which is
            holistically.                                            closely linked to organic success, a SEO manager
                                                                     can use Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager,
            From  the  point  of  view  of  Wolfgang  Schilling,  founder   where  quality  information  such  as  length  of  stay,
            and  managing  director  of ad  agents  GmbH,  a  service   bounce rate, scroll depth and click behavior of site
            provider for digital marketing, there are three scenarios   visitors  can  be  viewed,  providing  some  hints
            in  the  use  of  holistic  search  marketing,  which  he  ex-  whether  the  user’s  needs  are  being  met  on  the
            plains using the example of the Google world.            website or not

            But  before  discussing  strategic  considerations,  he   •  SEA – high-performance keywords and landing
            sheds light on the interactions between the two market-  pages:  SEA  specialists  try  to  provide  users  with
            ing disciplines: both SEA managers and SEO consult-      concrete  answers  to  their  search  queries  and  to
            ants  are  interested  in  powerful  websites  with  content   satisfy  their  needs.  In  order  to  evaluate  the  rele-
            that  optimally  meets  the  needs  of  the  user,  and  both   vance of the landing page and thus also the user
            sides bring complementary skills, knowledge and expe-    experience,  Google  Ads  offers  the  SEA  manager
            rience to achieve this goal, but the perspectives differ.   some useful guidelines you should consider: At the
                                                                     keyword  level,  Google  Ads  indicates  whether  the
              •  SEO – content creation for search engines and       user  experience  is  below  average,  average  or
                users:  The  production  of  website  content  is  the   above  average.  If  the  user  experience  with  the
                responsibility  of  SEO  that  focuses  on  building  a   landing  page  is  rated  below  average  by  Google,
                page in such a way that it can be found by search    then  it  should  be  optimized,  or  a  more  suitable
                engines  and  appears  as  high  as  possible  on  the   website should be linked. According to Google, the
                search  results  page  for  relevant  terms.  The  hard   landing page experience is an estimate of how rel-
                SEO  currency  is  organic  ranking.  How  good  a   evant  and  useful  the  landing  page  is  to  the  user
                page really is from an SEO point of view only be-

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