Page 23 - AeM_July_2022
P. 23


       Questions to be answered in performance


       According  to  Tobias  Eder  from  Seventimes
       Media,  good  online  marketers  know  their  CPM,
       CTR,  CPA,  and  how  many  users  are  on  their
       shop or website and who will convert within the
       next hour – at any time of the day or night. They
       know every single functionality of their individual
       advertising platforms meticulously, but still have
       too  little  connection  to the  target  group and  no
       idea who will ultimately see their advertising.

       To make a realistic decision, it is necessary to look at   •  How does the path in between look like?
       the  entire  process  of  developing  a  successful  online   •  If necessary, adjustment or expansion of the web-
       campaign, says Tobias Eder, urging to find answers to   site and shop.
       the following questions:
                                                           Step 3: Creation of professional content
       Step 1: Basic research
                                                             •  How does the path in between look like?
        •  Who do you want to sell your product to?
                                                             •  What  photos  or  videos  do  you  need  to  complete
        •  What are the characteristics of these people?
                                                               the planned sales funnel?
        •  What is their everyday life like?
                                                             •  Creation of these creatives by professional content
        •  What problems and needs does this group of peo-     creators, whereby the budget should be relative to
           ple have? Can you help to meet their needs?         the conversion value.
        •  In  which  situation  does  the  target  group  feel  the   •  Use of multiple versions of images and/or videos is
           problems the most?                                  recommended.
        •  Is it possible to approach them in one of these situ-
           ations? Possibly online?                        Step 4: Campaign creation on the respective adver-
                                                           tising platform
        •  Which  platforms  could  be  suitable  to  reach  them
           best? With what kind of offer?                    •  How does the path in between look like?
        •  What does it take to get the attention of the target   •  Creation  of  the  desired  campaign  structure.  (cold
           group in these situations?                          traffic / retargeting)
        •  How  long  does  the  target  group  need  to  see  the   •  Incorporation  of  already  created  elements.  (texts,
           actual added value behind it?                       photos, videos)
        •  Is the  desired conversion  based  on impulse deci-  •  Setting  of  the  budget  requirement  and  bid  struc-
           sions?                                              tures.
        •  Does the target group need to receive information   •  Scheduling and activation of campaigns.
           more often before they buy?
                                                           Tobias  Eder  emphasizes  that  the  first  step  (basic  re-
        •  Does  the  target  group  think  and  decide  more  ra-  search)  is  particularly  important,  otherwise  everything
           tionally or emotionally?
                                                           that  follows  will  not  be  implemented  in  a  way  that  is
        •  What  revenue  does  the  conversion  bring  in  the   appropriate  for  the  target  group  and  will  automatically
           short  term  &  long  term?  (Customer  Lifetime  Val-  perform poorly. He points out that you could, for exam-
           ue)?                                            ple,  be  talking  to  the  wrong  customers  or  developing
        •  What was the CPA / CPP (cost per action [CPA] /   campaigns  that  you  personally  find  better  but  do  not
           cost per purchase [CPP]) so far?                meet the expectations of the desired customers.
        •  What is the maximum amount that can be spent on
           a conversion?                                   In other words, never infer from others but from your-
                                                           self, and invest a good deal of your time in research to
       Step 2: Development of a funnel                     know exactly who you are defining your offer for. ◊
        •  Where do you pick up the users? (platform)
                                                                                          By Daniela La Marca
        •  How  far  do  you  want  to  take  them?  (conversion

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