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                     Spend on online video, social media ads and influencer content to increase throughout 2022

        5.  Ad length advantage – communicating the brand   and ensure there is a cumulative connection and con-
           and  message  in  a  clever,  effective  and  succinct   sistency  in  the  message  and  brand  in  every  format.
           way using ad length to their advantage.         From establishing your strategy and kicking off ideation
                                                           through to executing your campaign and optimizing in-
       “A big outtake from our winners is that brands can earn   flight;  getting  creative  right  is  a  journey.  Testing  and
       attention  by  entertaining  and  making  people  feel  with   learning  must  be  involved  at  every  stage.  The  funda-
       and for the brand.  Achieving this does not require full   mentals of great advertising still hold true; and whatev-
       fat measurements. All you need to get right is measur-  er the journey, technique or device, all our winning ads
       ing  the capacity  of  your creative to  hold attention and   engage and entertain.”
       land the brand message.”
                                                           Kantar data also shows that creative quality is the sec-
       More  than  70%  of  advertisers  plan  to  grow    ond  most  important  factor  in  profitable  advertising,
       their investment in digital in 2022                 whereas  marketers  rank  that  fourth.  Great  creative
                                                           drives both brand equity and sales; balancing the right
       The  Kantar  Media  Reactions  2021  survey  of  global   creative  approach  with  getting  the  executional  details
       marketers  reveals  that  over  70%  of  advertisers  are   right ensures the memorable X-factor of winning cam-
       growing their investment in digital platforms in 2022.
       Marketers across Southeast Asia increased advertising   “Great  creative  is  more  than  just  connection.  It  trans-
       and media  investment last  year  as more media chan-  cends  ROI  too.  Creative  quality  is  the  single  largest
       nels became digitized with spend in the sector, globally   driver  of  advertising  profitability  that  a  marketer  can
       growing by 31% compared with 19% overall.           influence. Our global CrossMedia studies find creative
                                                           quality and consistency of use across channel accounts
       “This is no surprise with all the new platforms and for-
       mats in digital to explore such as Metaverse or NFTs.   for 50 per cent of campaign effectiveness. These win-
       Some brands are already blazing a trail to find the role   ning  ads all boast very strong and consistent creative
       that they can play in these new virtual worlds.”    across all touchpoints.”
                                                           For more insights into the winning traits of the most cre-
       Channel  fragmentation  requires  a  greater  need  to  un-
       derstand  ad  effectiveness  and  the  integration  of  ad-  atively effective digital ads across Southeast Asia, reg-
       vanced analytics and automation into the creative effec-  ister  to  watch  the  Kantar  Digital  Creative  Awards.
       tiveness  process.  “And  it  brings  a  new  level  of  speed   These unique awards are part of the global Kantar Cre-
       and more granular insights to the development cycle,”   ative Effectiveness Awards. (Source: Kantar) ◊
       adds  Gomez.  “Regardless  of  the  sheer  breadth  and                                 By MediaBUZZ
       scale  of  the  multitude  of  different  ways  to  reach  and
       connect with consumers again, brands must step back

       July 2022: Search Marketing                      27
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