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             YouTube Shorts inspires multiformat

             creators and artists

            Since its inception, YouTube Shorts has grown a      As the recent highlights of YouTube Shorts proves, the
            global  community  of  more  than  1.5  billion      company innovated and refined product features:
            monthly registered users.
                                                                 Video remixing
            At the heart of YouTube's journey are the voices of cre-
            ators and artists for whom the path to success has nev-  Utilizing content from the  world’s largest video  library,
            er  been  more  challenging.  As  such,  YouTube  devel-  creators on YouTube can put their own spin on the con-
            oped Shorts to make it THE place to connect with their   tent they love from YouTube using the company’s latest
            fans and build a long-term, sustainable music career.   video  remixing  features,  Cut  and  Green  Screen  to
                                                                 Shorts on iOS (coming to Android soon).
            Neal  Mohan,  YouTube’s  Chief  Product  Officer,  said:
            “Shorts have become an essential part of the YouTube   Cut:  The  ability  to  use  a  1–5  second  video  segment
            experience  for  our  creators  and  viewers.  Now  being   from any eligible VOD or Short in the creation of new
            watched  by  over  1.5  billion  logged-in  users  every   Shorts content.
            month, the product is growing thanks to the creativity of   Green Screen: The ability to use up to a 60 second vid-
            our community. While we’re still at the beginning of our   eo  segment  from  any  eligible  VOD  or  Short  as  the
            journey  with  Shorts,  we  look  forward  to  continuing  to   background for their original Shorts video.
            innovate  the  product  so  our  creators  can  continue  to
            express themselves, connect with their audiences, and   Multiformat analytics
            increase their reach and revenue  opportunities on the
            platform.                                            Evolving the in-depth analytics, YouTube recently rolled
                                                                 out a  new  design for  YouTube Analytics  which allows

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