Page 33 - AeM_July_2022
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       IBM acquisition of aims to help

       enterprises catch "bad data" at the source

                                                           erations  to  the  next  level  by  using  historical  trends  to
                                                           compute statistics about data workloads and data pipe-
                                                           lines  directly  at  the  source,  determining  if  they  are
                                                           working, and pinpointing where any problems may ex-
                                                           ist. When combined with a full stack observability strat-
                                                           egy,  it  can  help  IT  teams  quickly  surface  and  resolve
                                                           issues from infrastructure and applications to data and
                                                           machine learning systems.

                                                 's  open  and  extendable  approach  allows
                                                           data  engineering  teams  to  easily  integrate  and  gain
       IBM has acquired, a leading provider
       of  data  observability  software  that  helps      observability  into  their  data  infrastructure.  The  merger
       organizations fix issues with their data, including   with IBM will unlock more resources for to
       errors, pipeline failures and poor quality, before   expand its observability capabilities for broader integra-
       it impacts their bottom-line. is IBM's   tions across more of the open source and commercial
       fifth  acquisition  in  2022  as  the  company      solutions that power the modern data stack.
       continues to bolster its hybrid cloud and AI skills   The acquisition of builds on IBM's research
       and  capabilities.  Since  Arvind  Krishna  became   and  development  investments as  well as strategic ac-
       CEO in April 2020,  IBM has acquired more than      quisitions in  AI and automation.  By  using
       25 companies.                                       with IBM Observability by Instana APM and IBM Wat-
                                                           son  Studio,  IBM  is  well-positioned  to  address  the  full
       With this latest acquisition, IBM's software portfolio will   spectrum of observability across IT operations. Togeth-
       be further strengthened across data, AI and automation   er, and IBM Instana provide a more com-
       to  address  the  full  spectrum  of  observability.  This  will   plete and explainable view of the entire application in-
       help  businesses  ensure  that  trustworthy  data  is  being   frastructure and data platform system, which can help
       put  into  the  right  hands  of  the  right  users  at  the  right   organizations prevent lost revenue and reputation.
                                                           "Our  clients  are  data-driven  enterprises  who  rely  on
       As the volume of data continues to grow at an unprece-  high-quality,  trustworthy  data  to  power  their  mission-
       dented  pace,  organizations  are  struggling  to  manage   critical processes. When they don't have access to the
       the  health  and  quality  of  their  data  sets  necessary  to   data  they  need  in  any  given  moment,  their  business
       make  better  business  decisions  and  gain  competitive   can  grind  to  a  halt,"  said  Daniel  Hernandez,  General
                                                           Manager  for  Data  and  AI,  IBM.  "With  the  addition  of
                                                 , IBM offers the most comprehensive set of
       Data observability is quickly emerging as a key solution
       for helping data teams and engineers better understand   observability capabilities for IT across applications, data
       the  health  of  data  in  their  system  and  automatically   and machine learning, and is continuing to provide our
       identify,  troubleshoot  and  resolve  issues,  like  anoma-  clients  and  partners  with  the  technology  they  need  to
       lies, breaking data changes or pipeline failures, in near   deliver trustworthy data and AI at scale."
                                                           Enterprises will have full flexibility in how to run Data-
       According to Gartner, poor data quality costs organiza-,  whether  as-a-Service (SaaS) or a self-hosted
       tions an average $12.9 million every year. To help miti-  software subscription. (Source: IBM) ◊
       gate  this  challenge,  the  data  observability  market  is                            By MediaBUZZ
       poised for strong growth as it takes traditional data op-

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