Page 28 - AeM_July_2022
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             FACT-Finder's "Next Generation Blixt"

             combines search and personalization

             par excellence

            In  October  last  year,  FACT-Finder  acquired      "Personalization by segmentation is dead," said Robin
            Loop54,  the  Swedish  market  leader  for  smart    Mellstrand,  chief  strategy  officer  at  FACT-Finder  and
            personalization  technology  in  eCommerce  and      Loop54. "Today, shop owners need to be able to offer
            Next    Generation    Blixt   brings   now     the   their customers truly relevant shopping experiences, in
            technologies  together,  providing  its  users  with   real time."
            the  best  of  both  worlds  –  search  and
            personalization.                                     Next Generation Blixt now makes that possible by com-
                                                                 bining the patented search algorithms of FACT-Finder
                                                                 with  GOLEM,  Loop54's  artificial  intelligence.  It  offers
            Personalization is playing an increasingly important role
            in e-commerce in the 21st century. This applies both to   that way the highest standard of search precision, per-
            end customers, who prefer to shop in online stores that   formance and setting options in combination with an AI
            offer them the best customer experience, and to retail-  for  interpreting,  optimizing,  and  personalizing  the  re-
            ers,  who  have  to  address  their  customers  more  and   sults.
            more individually in order to achieve higher conversion   Essentially,  Next  Generation  Blixt  provides  users  with
            rates and sales.                                     three innovations:

            Personalization is not just personalization          1. Wisdom of the Crowd

            But there are still a lot of online shops that play out indi-  Until  now,  it  has  been  a  real  challenge  to  show  the
            vidual  offers based on customer groups, an  approach   most relevant products to each customer at any given
            that has so far only been used due to a lack of alterna-  times, because the context of human search queries is
            tives,  but  no  segmentation  can  reflect  the  individual   difficult for machines to interpret.
            context  of  the  customer  with  all  personal  wishes  and
            requirements.                                        Anyone  searching  for  "PS4  game"  probably  wants  to

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