Page 24 - AeM_July_2022
P. 24


             Online communication should be needs-

             oriented to remain relevant for search


                                                                      SEO with informative, high-quality content to cre-
                                                                      ate early and at the same time sustainable touch-
                                                                      points.  This  greatly  increases  your  chances  of  a
                                                                      subsequent transaction. Branding and transaction
                                                                      potentials  are  mainly  exploited  when  the  content
                                                                      of a website responds to the needs of the target
                                                                      group  on  the  one  hand  and  takes  place  in  the
                                                                      company's topic area on the other. Therefore, be-
                                                                      fore building, expanding, or optimizing websites, it
                                                                      is necessary to research the search intent for the
                                                                      targeted  keyword  cluster.  This  search  intent
                                                                      serves as the basis for the overall website design.
                                                                      Because if you are looking for a specific topic, you
            Users  no  longer  search  the  Internet  for             are  usually  also  interested  in  its  various  sub-
            information  using  just  keywords,  but  rather          areas. It's about filtering the most important areas
            complex  questions  that  sometimes  require              and displaying them directly  on  the  landing page
            interpretation.  In  response,  search  engines  are      as this achieves higher conversion rates and max-
            now focusing on website content that also best            imizes traffic.
            covers  other  potential  interests  of  their  users.
            That  means  that  to  remain  relevant  for  search   3.  Content creation made easy: "You can do some
            queries,   companies     must    adapt   to   this        of  this  keyword  research  yourself,"  says  Lillian
            development      and     tailor    their   online         Haase,  Searchmetrics  CMO.  “There  are  search
            communication  to  needs  on  the  basis  of  a           engines that themselves offer useful tools for iden-
            comprehensive keyword analysis.                           tifying  relevant  topics,  such  as  the  Google  Auto-
                                                                      Complete  function,  which  suggests  additional
            Searchmetrics,  a  global  provider  of  search  data,  soft-  terms  for  a  search  query.  But  when  it  comes  to
            ware, and consulting services, has identified three best   identifying  relevant  keywords  in  connection  with
            practices for using search intent to optimize content:    the semantic optimization of texts, software solu-
                                                                      tions are the most efficient option. With them, po-
              1.  Analyze  and  improve  competitive  content:        tential topics can be identified and exploited in the
                 Most websites seem to only focus on collecting as    best possible way.”
                 many  leads,  traffic  and  conversions  as  possible,
                 but quality comes before quantity: unique content   For  example,  data-driven  text  programs  show  authors
                 as a USP is a simple and efficient lever to gener-  relevant  keywords  on  the  topic  while  they  are  writing
                 ate  more  sales  through  a  website.  Analyzing  an   and  classify  them  at  the  same  time.  Each  topic  has
                 audience’s  apparent  search  intent  helps  create   core keywords that should be used for SEO, as well as
                 the content that the target group really needs and   recommended keywords used by competitors and addi-
                 wants.                                          tional keywords that are less relevant. These keywords
                                                                 should  be  included  in  the  text  to  a  certain  extent  to
              2.  Focus  on  informational  search  queries:  Most   meet user expectations and be classified by Google as
                 people  want  to  inform  themselves  before  buying   relevant for corresponding search queries. Hence, the
                 and  use  search  engines  on  the  Internet  for  this   time-consuming SEO research is no longer necessary
                 purpose. In this early phase of the sales funnel or   for the authors. ◊
                 customer journey, potential buyers are particularly
                 receptive.  Therefore,  it  is  important  to  focus  on                       By Daniela La Marca

                                                              24                              July 2022: Search Marketing
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