Page 29 - AeM_July_2022
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       buy  a  game  for  the  PlayStation  4.  But  if  you're  only   vant experience. In addition, recommendations are lim-
       looking for "PS4", you don't want to buy a game, but the   ited  to  popular  products  –  ignoring  new  products  and
       actual console. Humans understand this distinction in-  niche products with higher relevance.
       tuitively,  but  machines  don't,  because  they  will  find
       "PS4" in the product data in both cases. And that's ex-  Next  Generation  Blixt  takes  recommendations  to  a
       actly what leads to misunderstandings and a frustrating   whole new level – without manual effort and with very
       shopping experience for customers.                  little  data.  Just  as  with  the  personalization  of  search
                                                           results,  GOLEM  understands  how  products  relate  to
       Next  Generation  Blixt  already  understands  what  is   each other. Whether on the product detail page, in the
       meant  by  this  search  query  within  the  first  customer   shopping cart or elsewhere in your store, the AI shows
       sessions. Where previously countless interactions were   your customers exactly the recommendations that best
       necessary (big data), an absolute minimum of learning   fit the context and the purchase intention of your cus-
       data  is  sufficient  to  understand  the  context  of  each   tomers.
       search query.
                                                           Three different recommendation types are available:
       Based  on  the  shop's  individual  product  catalogue,  the
       GOLEM algorithm develops a neural network that maps   •  Personally  tailored  product  recommendations:
       the  relationships  between  different  products.  Rather   Based on your customers’ individual purchase pat-
       than relying on data about individual products, GOLEM   terns, FACT-Finder generates personalized recom-
       generates  product-independent  neurons  that  collect   mendations  that  match  the  product  they  are  cur-
       knowledge about a specific product type and its possi-  rently  viewing,  the  context,  and  purchase  intent.
       ble attributes. Since information is exchanged between   This is a reliable way to increase your customers’
       similar  products  in  this  way,  only  a  small  amount  of   shopping carts and thus your average order value.
       learning  data  is  required.  Even  with  changes  to  the
       range,  the  search  result  quality  remains  consistently   •  Similar products as purchase alternatives: With
       high,  and  information  about  personal  preferences  and   its  extensive  understanding  of  the  product  range,
       the search intention spreads within the neural network;   our  AI  algorithm  can  also  recommend  alternative
       hence, each interaction impacts thousands of products   products. This type of recommendation is ideal for
       instead of just one.                                    inspiring customers and keeping them in your store
                                                               – even if they are still undecided or haven’t found
       2. Real-time personalization                            their desired item right away.

       However, the context of a purchase journey is not only   •  Manual  recommendations  as  a  complement:
       influenced  by  general search behavior (wisdom of the   FACT-Finder  Next  Generation  Blixt  can  provide
       crowd). Individual interests and preferences also deter-  100% of your product recommendations and auto-
       mine the intention behind a search query, which can be   matically  increase  order  value.  In  some  cases,
       meant in completely different ways based on the intent.   however,  you  may  want  to  have  a  say  in  what  is
       Next  Generation  Blixt  ensures  that  search  results  al-  recommended  –  for  example,  in  the  case  of  very
       ways fit the customer's individual context. The person-  frequently  clicked  products.  Manual  optimizations
       alization can either take place within one and the same   can  still  easily  be  implemented  with  just  a  few
       session or across sessions with a user ID.              clicks, giving your team full convenience and flexi-
                                                               bility. Your manually created recommendations are
       3. Recommendations, powered by AI                       always prioritized by FACT-Finder and all remain-
                                                               ing  recommendation  slots  are  then  filled  with  the
       In a shop range with 1,000 products, recommendations    most relevant recommendations from the AI. ◊
       can still be configured manually, but when it comes to
       tens of thousands of articles, this is impossible.                                 By Daniela La Marca

       So  far,  retailers  with  large  product  assortments  have
       relied  primarily  on  data  about  products  that  are  fre-
       quently bought together to have recommendations gen-
       erated  automatically.  Unfortunately  for  them,  in  most
       cases, the data is not sufficient to provide a truly rele-

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