Page 31 - AeM_July_2022
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                                                           their active lives, varied interests and wide-ranging at-
                                                           tention spans – and this approach yields real results for
                                                           both creators and artists.

                                                           In  April  2022,  for  instance,  Shorts  containing  content
                                                           sampled  from  long-form  videos  generated  over  100
                                                           billion views. With the launch of Shorts, artist and crea-
                                                           tor channels uploading both Shorts and long-form vide-
                                                           os are seeing better overall watch time and subscriber
                                                           growth relative to those only uploading long-form vide-

                                                           Lyor  Cohen,  YouTube’s  Global  Head  of  Music,  said:
          Remixing features, Cut (left) and Green Screen (right)   “Everybody  knows  that  our  mission  at  YouTube  is  to
                                                           become  the  leading  revenue  generator  for  the  music
       creators  and  artists  to  see  insights  and  performance   industry.  Money  is  great,  but  it's  not  enough.  Building
       data for specific content across the platform’s different   artist fandom is equally important. We want YouTube to
       video  formats:  VOD  (video  on  demand),  Live  and   be THE PLACE for artists to connect and create mean-
       Shorts.  This  allows  to  individualize  and  optimize  con-  ingful relationships with their fans and grow long-term,
       tent strategies more effectively to make the most of the   sustainable music careers; Shorts, combined with long-
       platform for both reach and revenue opportunities.
                                                           form videos, is proving to be a critical way to do that.
       As  YouTube  introduces  new  products,  a  unique  new   It's our job to make sure that once fans find their life’s
       trend emerges, namely “the rise of the multiformat crea-  soundtrack  on  Shorts,  they  are  met  with  prompts  that
       tor and artist”, who moves seamlessly between different   encourage  them  to  dive  deeper  into  an  artist's  reper-
       video  formats  on  YouTube  –  from  Shorts,  Longform,   toire. YouTube is the only platform that makes this ex-
       Live and Audio. These multiformat creators and artists   perience a reality and we are ALL IN on making it hap-
       produce an infinite flow of content combinations to max-  pen.” (Source: YouTube) ◊
       imize their creativity, reach, community connection and                                 By MediaBUZZ
       revenue. This  interplay  between  video formats mirrors
       the reality of today’s viewer, who expect content to suit

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