Page 26 - AeM_July_2022
P. 26


             Kantar reveals the most creatively

             effective digital ads in Southeast Asia

                                                                 boots. It is a great example of how brands can connect
                                                                 across borders and cultures.

                                                                 Heinz "KV Motion”, Instagram, Indonesia
                                                                 Grand Winner - Digital Creative Awards SEA - Agency:
                                                                 BBH India & Publicis Groupe Indonesia

                                                                 Ad  length  advantage  –  communicating  the  brand  and
                                                                 message in a clever, effective and succinct way using
                                                                 ad length to their advantage. Digital ads are often much
                                                                 faster, tighter editing than  is used for TV ads.  “Heinz,
                                                                 Perfect  Match”  ad  from  Indonesia,  tightly  but  overtly
                                                                 conveys its new variant message by simply sliding the
            Kantar just revealed the most creatively effective   new variant bottles into view in time with lively music.
            digital ads in Southeast Asia from 2021 as part of
            their Digital Creative Awards.                       Unilever, Tide "#FlexYOKCK”, TikTok, The Philippines
                                                                 Grand Winner - Digital Creative Awards SEA - Agency:
            Chosen  from  almost  300  digital  ads  tested  using   FUSE Omnicom Media Group
            Kantar’s validated ad testing solutions, the Top 10 final-
            ists and Grand Winners each:                         Reframing  perspectives  –  cleverly  using  behaviour  to
                                                                 break category tropes and connect with empathy  – all
              •  told  compelling  stories  resonating  with  Asians   at the same time. While using the song-dance format of
                through pandemic lockdowns                       TikTok, the ad does it to recast a category code of cuff,
                                                                 collar,  sleeve  cleaning  in  a  new  light.  It  is  different  in
              •  built their brands to drive sales and increase long-  execution and an engaging jig from an unlikely and in-
                term brand equity                                clusive cast.

              •  employed a range of different tactics to guarantee   Kantar Singapore’s Head of Creative and Media Solu-
                viewer connection.                               tions  Pablo  Gomez  says  that  there  were  five  “digital
                                                                 sparks” that set apart the winning ads in 2021:
            Grand  Winners:  the  top  3  most  creative  and
            effective digital advertising in Southeast Asia        1.  Fluid content signatures – creating unique brand
                                                                      content that transcends screens and can be used
            Diageo,  Johnnie  Walker  "JW,  Love  for  the  street”,   across platforms.
            YouTube, Thailand
            Winner - Global Kantar Creative Effectiveness Awards   2.  Demo  2.0  –  using  inventive  ways  to  make  the
            & Grand Winner - Digital Creative Awards SEA - Agen-      demo fun and real at the same time because there
            cy:  VIRTUE  (Creative  Lead)  STORY  TELLER              is more than one way to deliver product news and
            (Production Lead)                                         not follow the prevalent trend on the platform.

                                                                   3.  Reframing  perspectives  – cleverly using behav-
            Connecting  cultures  –  recognizing,  appreciating  and
            embracing local nuances while adhering to brand DNA.      iour  to  break  category  tropes  and  connect  with
            At a time when global brands struggle with landing con-   empathy – all at the same time.
            tent  effectively  in  Asian  markets,  this  digital  ad  brings   4.  Connecting  cultures  – recognizing, appreciating
            strong roots in the Keep Walking theme, but in an ex-     and  embracing  local  nuances  while  adhering  to
            plicitly  Thai  context  while  retaining  the  story  arc  and   brand DNA.
            campaign proposition. It ends with a Keep Walking bar
            sign, albeit with sneakers instead of old-school cowboy

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