Page 21 - AeM_July_2022
P. 21


       Tips on how to choose a secure web

       analytics tool

       The  only  way  you  can  capture  how  your  users   If you want to find out what needs to be done to save
       really tick, what your target group needs or how    the  database  and  secure  it  legally,  and  how  you  can
       your  market  segment  is  developing  is  with  a   find the right web analytics tool and master the change,
       reliable  database  and  the  help  of  web  analytics   consider the following tips from Olaf Brandt:
       tools, Olaf Brandt, Managing Director at etracker
       GmbH  explains,  a  specialist  in  web  and  app   Ask  yourself why  you  need web analysis and
       analytics as well as push marketing automation.     how to start making use of it
                                                           Which  tool  you  use  also  depends  on  which  data  you
       However,  some  of  these  indispensable  tools,  can  no   want to collect and for what purpose. Is static reporting
       longer be used without further ado for various reasons,   on website traffic enough for you, or do you prefer com-
       he points out, like the current shutdown of the Google   prehensive exploratory analyzes to identify connections
       Universal Analytics analysis tool.
                                                           and explain anomalies? Do you need real-time data to
                                                           better control your campaigns and optimize your web-
       Since a change is inevitable, why not go for a solution
       that is safe in terms of data protection law and a long-  site  in  a  targeted  manner?  Then  your  tool  must  allow
       term investment-safe solution?  Also consider that  due   for  deeper  analysis  and  ad  hoc  segmentation  of  the
       to the gradually decreasing willingness of data protec-  data, as well as provide flexibility for data enrichment.
       tion-sensitive  users  to  give  their  consent,  your  data-  Define what you want to get out of your data now and
       base  is  being  reduced  so  drastically  that  it  is  hardly   which  KPIs  are  really  relevant  for  your marketing  and
       possible  to  derive  meaningful  information  for  your   business decisions.
       online marketing.

       July 2022: Search Marketing                      21
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