Page 19 - AeM_July_2022
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           who clicks on an ad. Google does not reveal exact-  3.  Rapid market launch of new topics and pages:
           ly which components it is calculated from. Howev-    It usually takes several months for new pages to
           er, the search engine provides clues, for example,   develop their full SEO power and have a chance
           it  takes  into  account  whether  the  content  of  the   of gaining top positions. This can be too long if a
           landing page matches the advertised keyword. Us-     company  wants  to  communicate  an  important,
           ability elements and loading times also play a role.   current topic, but could be white spots, e.g., topics
           In  short,  the  landing  page  experience  is  a  useful   for which there is high demand but little competi-
           metric  to  rank  the  accessibility  and  quality  of  a   tion on the search engines. Large brands in partic-
           landing  page  in  relation  to  a  particular  keyword.   ular can benefit here, as they can displace small
           Not to mention that the user experience is an indi-  domains that already deal with the topic due to the
           cation that also helps the SEO team with page op-    trust of their pages.
           timization – long before the success of a page can
           be reliably evaluated via the ranking. Because the   The  monitoring  of  SEO  and  SEA  rankings  naturally
           better the content of a page is tailored to specific   takes place using different tools. In the Google cosmos,
           user  needs,  the  higher  the  likelihood  of  a  better   for  example,  SEOs  work  with  the  Search  Console  to
           user experience and a higher quality score, which   monitor  organic  success,  the  SEA  specialists,  on  the
           in turn can have a positive effect on the click costs   other hand, use Google Ads. To bring both results to-
           in search engine advertising                    gether, and to keep an eye on the rankings efficiently,
                                                           new solutions are needed, and one option is to export
       All  parties  benefit  from  strong  websites:  the  organic   the data via an API interface. SEA and SEO key figures
       ranking  (SEO),  the  performance  of  campaigns  (SEA)   are then combined  and  visualized, for  example, using
       and  especially  the  user.  The  interactions  mentioned   Google  Data  Studio.  In  this  way,  the  results  can  be
       result in three strategies for holistic search marketing.   quickly viewed on automated dashboards and connec-
                                                           tions can be tracked without constantly switching back
        1.  Standing out with strong SEA & SEO: With stra-  and  forth  between  the  two  systems.  Because  with  all
           tegically  important  keywords,  it  makes  sense  to   the  advantages  that  arise  from  the  holistic  approach,
           show  presence  in  both  the  organic  and  the  paid   the  coordination  work  between  SEO  and  SEA  teams
           ranking  as  users  won’t  be  able  to  ignore  the   obviously also costs time. Which brings us back to the
           brand's offer and competition is defied. That’s cer-  initial  question  of  whether  holistic  search  marketing  is
           tainly an ideal scenario, which unfortunately takes   worthwhile – and the answer is yes. However, how the
           time  (resources  in  SEO)  and  money  (advertising   benefit  is  reflected  for  companies  depends  heavily  on
           budget  in  SEA).  However,  as  described,  both   the  respective  situation:  depending  on  the  objective,
           measures  can  benefit  from  each  other  and   companies can expand their dominance on search en-
           achieve better results more quickly in holistic pro-  gine  search  results  pages,  improve  overall  visibility
           cessing than in isolated execution.             across all product areas or even allocate budgets more
        2.  SEA  cost  savings  through  strong  SEO:  In the
           second scenario, SEA costs can be saved for key-  However, it is questionable whether, in times when or-
           words  where a brand has  a strong organic rank-  ganic results on mobile devices are increasingly shifting
           ing.  The  idea  behind  this  is  that  the  paid  traffic   "below the fold", SEA should be avoided for cost rea-
           shifts to the prominent, organic entry, which is an   sons. It usually makes more sense to combine the skills
           exciting thought, but unfortunately not always fea-  and knowledge from both departments to achieve opti-
           sible,  since  competitors  can  siphon  off  users  via   mal results in each case. If we combine our knowledge
           paid  entries.  Because  the  belief  that  users  con-  and  reliable  data  from  both  disciplines  to  achieve  the
           sciously  avoid  paid  results  and  wait  for  the  first   common goal, the result is an optimal user experience.
           organic entry usually  does not stand up to harsh   Holistic  search  marketing  then  leads  to  high-quality
           reality.  Especially  in  the  mobile  area,  organic  re-  pages and campaigns that satisfy a clear user need –
           sults  are  increasingly  found  “below  the  fold”,  re-  which has a positive effect on the organic rankings and
           quiring scrolling to find the first organic entry. The   the performance of the SEA campaigns. ◊
           convenience causes many users to avoid this and
           click on the ads – especially since searchers prob-                            By Daniela La Marca
           ably  do  not  even  know  the  difference  between
           paid and organic listings.

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