Page 22 - AeM_July_2022
P. 22


            Consider your level of analysis and the option       Decide on an appropriate operating model
            to scale
                                                                 Where  you  host  your  web  analytics  solution  depends
            Looking  into  the  future  is  crucial  when  choosing  an   on numerous factors. Certainly, security requirements,
            analysis  tool,  because  it  is  probably  right  now  only   support  needs  and  costs,  are  particularly  relevant.  At
            about simple traffic reports, but your needs might grow.   first sight, an in-house solution operation might seem to
            Therefore, make sure that the tool  you choose allows   be a cheaper option, but it does not necessarily bring
            for functional growth and has the appropriate scalability   savings if there is a lack of human resources and the
            –  without  imposing  the  costs  and  manpower  for  an   necessary know-how for 24/7 operation. Depending on
            oversized  tool  right  now.  In  general,  it  is  advisable  to   the requirements of your tool, you can get a profession-
            start small with every new tool, for example with a low   al  solution  from  a  secure  cloud  for  just  a  few  dollars.
            entry-level price and to increase as required. This gives   For data protection reasons, always pay attention to the
            you the flexibility to further develop  your web analysis   location  of  the  provider  and  check  the  service  level
            as soon as you need it. Keep in mind that you can take   agreements (SLAs) carefully.  Because a failure of the
            historical data with you when you expand your tool, and   analytical  system  not  only  means  a  data  gap  but  can
            that  performance  must  remain  the  same  despite  in-  also result in serious costs if the availability of your own
            creasing data volumes.                               website is affected. And don’t forget to check the open-
                                                                 ness of the system and the ability to connect to third-
            Choose the right legal foundation                    party systems such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads and
                                                                 others – and ensure smooth and automated processes,
            With a legally compliant consent as the basis for web   and how easily it can be integrated.
            analysis,  you  reduce  your  database  to  an  average  of
            around 15% of users worldwide, according to the Apple   Consider  the  effort  and  consequences  of  the
            App Tracking study, that also states that around 85% of   migration
            your  website  visitors  remain  unknown  to  you  despite
            the analytics tool – and the added value of web analy-  The  fact  is  that  historical  data  is  lost  when  there  is  a
            sis  is more  than  questionable.  You  are  better  off  with   system change. This can even be the case if the pro-
            tracking  that  can  be  justified  by  your  "legitimate  inter-  vider forces a migration within the system – this is also
            est" as the website operator and does not require any   the case with Google Analytics. This loss, while annoy-
            cookies. Cookie-less and consent-free, you can record   ing, is unavoidable. However, it is much more important
            well over 95% of your users.                         that you can take over your online campaigns as auto-
                                                                 matically as possible. This means that all tracking links
                                                                 that  you  have  circulated  should  be  able  to  be  moved
                                                                 automatically. Manually adjusting or changing all track-
                                                                 ing links is practically impossible. You can also check
                                                                 right away whether the new tool can also play back the
                                                                 conversion data as a basis for automated bid strategies
                                                                 for online ads in the advertising systems in compliance
                                                                 with  the  GDPR.  This  is  the  only  way  to  ensure  a
                                                                 smooth transition.

                                                                 Don’t forget to check what kind of support is included in
                                                                 the  service  package  and  which  web  analysis  tools
                                                                 gives you all important functions: the necessary scala-
                                                                 bility, a fair price model and, of course, maximum legal
                                                                 security through consent- and cookie-free tracking. ◊

                                                                                                By Daniela La Marca

                                                              22                              July 2022: Search Marketing
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