Page 34 - AeM_July_2022
P. 34


             The legal framework for search engine

             privacy is not solid

            When  we  talk  about  search  engine  privacy       Because  this  is  an  evolving  area  of  law,  there  have
            concerns, we think of user data that is collected    been several lawsuits regarding the privacy that search
            by  search  engines,  but  we  don't  know  for  what   engines  are  supposed  to  provide  to  their  users.  The
            purposes and to whom it goes. Privacy concerns       Confidentiality  Act,  a  general  law  that  protects  infor-
            can  come  in  the  form  of  user  profiling  and   mation disclosed by a party who has trust and expects
            personalization    to   ensure   more    targeted    privacy from the party with whom they share the infor-
            advertising or improved search quality.              mation,  is  a  general  practice  that  can  be  cited  many
                                                                 times here.
            The  collection  of  personally  identifiable  information
            from  users  by  search  engines  is  known  as  "tracking,"   If the content of search queries and the logs in which
            which  is  controversial  because  search  engines  often   they are stored are treated in the same way  as  infor-
            claim to collect a user's information to provide a better   mation  given  to  a  doctor  because  they  are  similarly
            search experience and potentially better results. How-  confidential, they should be afforded the same level of
            ever, search engines can also abuse and compromise   privacy.
            the privacy of their users by selling their data to adver-
            tisers for profit.                                   However,  each  user  must  decide  individually  what  is
                                                                 more important – relevance and speed of the results or
            As the internet and search engines are relatively recent   data protection – and choose a search engine accord-
            creations, a robust legal framework for the protection of   ingly.
            privacy in relation to search engines has not yet been
            put  in  place.  However,  academics  write  about  the  im-  Sure, search engines generally publish privacy policies
            pact of existing privacy laws in general to keep search   to let users know what data can be collected from them
            engine users informed.                               and for what purposes, but who is really reading them?

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