Page 35 - AeM_July_2022
P. 35


       Although these guidelines may be an attempt by search   This  makes  the  situation  that  Google  is  currently  in
       engines  to  provide  transparency,  many  people  never   even more difficult after the company announced that it
       read them and are therefore unaware of how much of   would  postpone  the  blocking  of  third-party  cookies  in
       their private information, such as passwords and saved   Chrome until 2024.
       files,  can  be  collected  by  cookies  and  logged  and
       stored  by  the  search  engine.  Also,  these  policies  are   Both Safari and Firefox already block third-party cook-
       often  very  difficult  to  understand,  even  in  the  unlikely   ies,  and  both  protect  against  device  fingerprinting,
       event that a user decides to read them.             which uses other types of data such as browser, screen
                                                           resolution, IP address and browser extensions to track
       Privacy  conscious  search  engines  like  DuckDuckGo   them.
       state in their privacy policies that they collect much less
       data  than,  e.g.,  Google,  which  receives  billions  upon   Google, on the other hand, has been  promising to do
       billions of searches every month and all search terms   the same for more than two years. But just last week,
       along with the date and time of the search, browser and   the search giant announced that it was expanding test-
       operating  system,  IP  address  of  the  user,  the  Google   ing for its web privacy sandbox. The reason is probably
       cookie and the URL that displays the search are logged   that Google cannot simply block cookies without having
       in a database.                                      a solution for how to replace them, since tracking is the
                                                           lifeblood  of  the  digital  advertising  industry  after  all.
       Nevertheless,  Google  with  its  widely  used  Chrome
       browser is clearly the world's most popular search en-  So far, Google hasn't come up with a replacement that
       gine.                                               balances privacy and advertising: First there was Fed-
                                                           erated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), but it was rejected
       The company constantly emphasizes that it works hard   by  both  digital  advertisers  and  privacy  advocates,  fol-
       to  protect  its  users'  privacy,  while  at  the  same  time  it   lowed by Topics, which at least doesn't allow advertis-
       has built its business on the idea of tracking what users   ers to use it to learn about the individual users they are
       are doing online to show them personalized advertise-  targeting; and with the recent delay, Google has made
       ments based on their interests and activities.      it clear that it still has its hands full. ◊

       But Google's privacy policy also says that user data is                            By Daniela La Marca
       shared  with  various  affiliates,  subsidiaries,  and
       "trusted" business partners, without specifying details.

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