Page 30 - AeM_March_2019
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             SolarWinds announced availability of machine

             learning-enabled database anomaly detection

            SolarWinds,  a  leading  provider  of  powerful  and   customers  can  save  time  by  not  only  automating
            affordable  IT  management  software,  announced  the   anomaly  detection to more quickly find, visualize, and
            availability  of  machine  learning-enabled  database   alert  when  database  wait  times  deviate  from  the
            anomaly detectionand an automated management API     expected,  but  by  also  leveraging  machine  learning
            in  the  latest  version  of  Database  Performance   capabilities  to  monitor  behavior  patterns  and  gain
            Analyzer (DPA). The company also introduced a broad   meaningful  insight  into  what  is  expected  versus  an
            refresh  of  its  IT  operations  management  portfolio,   anomaly. Database professionals can also benefit from
            collectively designed to improve support for monitoring   the addition of the DPA management API, which allows
            critical  IT  services  and  extend  support  for  monitoring   customers to automate instance management (such as
            private cloud and converged infrastructures.         registration,  licensing,  annotations,  and  more)  as  well
                                                                 as programmatically scale to meet the needs of large or
            “A  slow-running  database  can  significantly  affect  the   dynamic  environments.  With  less  time  spent  on
            end-to-end  performance  of  applications  and  the   redundant  tasks,  DBAs  can  focus  on  bigger  picture
            experience of end users,” said Joe Kim, executive vice   improvements and proactive innovation.
            president  and  global  chief  technology  officer,
            SolarWinds. “With new anomaly detection capabilities,   SolarWinds®  DPA  is  designed  to  provide  seamless
            SolarWinds  Database  Performance  Analyzer  12.1    integration  with  the  SolarWinds  Orion®  Platform,  and
            empowers database professionals to more accurately   its  many  modules,  including  Network  Performance
            identify  and  respond  to  performance  incidents.  We   Monitor   (NPM)   and   Server   &   Application
            take  pride  in  providing  tools  designed  to  allow   Monitor  (SAM).  Integration  with  features  like  the
            customers to keep their businesses running smoothly   SolarWinds PerfStackdashboard can provide additional
            while  shifting  to  a  more  proactive  management   blocking  analysis  support,  designed  to  help  users
            approach.”                                           discover where an incident occurred, the overall impact
                                                                 of the action, and guide informed future troubleshooting
            When  managing  large  environments,  manually-      strategies.
            intensive  approaches  consume  time,  can  be  slow  to
            yield  actionable  insights,  and  require  historical   “As  organizations  continue  their  transition  from  purely
            knowledge  of  baseline  performance.  With  DPA  12.1,   on-premises  operations  into  both  private  and  public
                                                                 cloud infrastructures, along with increased consumption

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