Page 26 - AeM_March_2019
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                                                                             for the right

                                                 voice search strategy

            The  spread  of  language  assistants,  such  as  Google   3. Decision: what fits better to the brand image -
            Assistant or Amazon Alexa, heralds a new evolutionary     featured snippets read aloud or a dialogue via
            stage for user interfaces. In fact, now it is expected now,   chatbot? Featured snippets can reproduce simple
            according  to  forecasts  by  market  research  firm      question-answer scenarios and are especially
            ComScore,  which  also  finds  that  at  the  latest  by  2020   suitable for W-questions, FAQs or HowTos. They
            around 50% of search queries will be voice-based.         are easy to integrate into a website and can be
                                                                      read by Google. Chatbots, on the other hand, can
            Of  course.  running  a  search  query  via  speech  and   perform detailed dialogues and provide a
            getting the result read out loud does not make sense in   multimodal interlocking to text or display.
            every  context.  Despite  all  enthusiasm  for  new
            technologies,  one  should  always  keep  an  eye  on   4. Intensity: how deep should the user enter the
            usability,  since  it  is  a  fundamental  requirement  for  a   dialogue? To what extent does the classic website
            broad  acceptance  of  the  technology  by  the  users.   user experience reach its limits?

            Certainly,  voice  is unbeatable  when  it comes to speed,   5. Language: how should the user be addressed
            not to mention ease without the need of long typing and   and with what tonality? Language offers a lot of
            being  able  to  do  other  activities  parallel,  in  obtaining   room for sympathy but also for
            information  or  starting  an  interaction.  Voice  search   misunderstandings.
            makes sense wherever short keywords are too imprecise
            for  a  good  search  result  or  long  tail  optimization  is  a
            bottomless                                      pit.   Voice  alone  is  not  the  future  of  search,  but  a  user-
                                                                  centered  mix  of  traditional  text  search,  voice  and
            But  what  to  do  in  a  noisy  environment,  e.g.  in  public   visual.  Depending  on  the  complexity  of  the  search
            transport,  or  when  it  comes  to  predominantly  visual   query,  the  context  and  the  application  scenario,  the
            searches, like in the field of fashion? A sole voice search   user  receives  the  appropriate  search  mode  -
            is  of  little  meaning  there;  hence,  the  advantages  of   sometimes  in  pure  form  and  sometimes  as  a
            traditional search modes are not replaced by voice. With   combined version. In the future, voice search must be
            that  in  mind,  voice  search  may  not  be  an  all-  understood as part of the online user experience and
            encompassing  game  changer,  but  it  will  push  several   be included in the SEO strategy. Only then can useful
            technological trends soon.                            applications be staged for the whole range of search,
                                                                  which  really  raise  the  interaction  between  user  and
            Reason enough to start thinking today about strategies,   interface to a new level. ◊
            which role language assistants will play in the very own
            business  environment.  The  following  aspects  could  be                             By MediaBUZZ
              1. Customer benefit: where does the user benefit
                 from voice search?

              2. Scenarios: in what environment does the user
                 search for the brand or product? What added value
                 can a combination of different search modes offer?

      26            March 2019 - Visual Search, Voice Search, Smart Speakers & SEO
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