Page 21 - AeM_March_2019
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                             "how",  "what",  makes  sense   Tip 5: Describing images in a target-group-
                             from  the  SEO  perspective.   oriented and appealing way
                             Three  points  are  particularly
                             important  here:  First,  it's  the   It  is  becoming  more  and  more  difficult  for  dealers  to
                             balance, meaning if too much   describe  the  products  linguistically,  as  voice-based
                             is  declared,  the  customer   search is currently not creating any images that favor a
                             feels    overwhelmed     by   purchase.  So,  dealers  must  be  able  to  persuade
                             information,  if  it  is  too  little,   customers to buy  without  photos or  other illustrations,
                             users   remain   unsatisfied.   which  requires  a  detailed  description  of  what  is
                             Second,  customers  always    displayed  on photos or infographics- an all  that target
                             expect      detailed    and   group  oriented.  Especially,  the  emotional  need  of  the
                             personalized  results.  Third,  it   customers must be satisfied - depending on the product
                             is the job of the SEO officer to   - by a pictorial description: customers in the low-budget
       be  able  to  pinpoint  what  content  is  relevant  at  what   sector are not dependent on illustrations, which is why
       moment - and it needs to be concise and informative at   this  segment  is  already  doing  well  today  via  voice
       the same time.                                      search. But if the customer does not yet have a clear
                                                           idea  of  the  product  and  wants  to  be  inspired  by  the
       Tip 3: Generate readable content                    photo, Google Voice Search doesn’t provide much help
       Writing texts differently than usual content:  In contrast
       to conventional SEO texts, the language-based search
       engine  optimization  must  guarantee  loud  readability.   Tip 6: Making a Google MyBusiness listing
       Therefore, the text should have a natural language flow
       and  not  -  as  usual  in  SEO  –  be  created  by  keyword   The presence on certain Google services can increase
       stuffing. Keyword density, headings, and subtitles were   the  SEO  success  in  Voice  Search,  too.  For  example,
       relevant  to  traditional  SEO;  however,  users  have  a   Voice  Search is  offering off-track Amazon  dealers the
       completely  different search behavior for the language-   opportunity  to  re-position  themselves  in  their  region  -
       than text-based input.                              which can be significant for their omnichannel strategy.

       If users condense their writing, they generally formulate   After all, customers have added value if the goods they
       entire  sentences  in  voice  search.  So,  when  the   are looking for online can also be bought locally. As a
       customer was looking for "buy red shoes", he asks his   result,  retailers  should  make  a  business  listing  on
       language assistant today: "Where can I buy red shoes   Google MyBusiness and look for reviews there.
       for  myself  nearby?"  Hence,  retailers  need  to  create
       semantically  natural and consistent text passages and   Customers  searching  for  a  product  will  then  also
       switch  from  short  to  long-tail  keywords,  in  which  the   receive  directions  from  Google  to  the  retailer,  along
       stylistic component  is even more important than  SEO.   with contact information.
       Featured  snippets  and  outstanding  content  are  crucial
       for a good positioning in the organic search results and   It  will  probably  soon  be  possible  to  access  the
       the  resulting  "Consideration"  for  reading  the  result  by   availability of products in stores via voice search, and
       Google.                                             this  will  provide  omnichannel  retailers  with  new,  high-
                                                           potential sales opportunities that will give their business
       Tip 4: Increasing the charging rate                 strong sales momentum. ◊

       Keep loading time as low as possible: Those who use                              By Daniela La Marca
       voice  search  are  usually  in  a  hurry  and  need  fast
       results. That's why slow websites are not just a no-go,
       but a significant sales brake. Because of the triumph of
       language-based  search,  accelerated  mobile  pages
       (AMP) from Google will become increasingly important
       in  the  future.  These  are  very  fast  loading  pages  that
       currently only contain texts and pictures, they are set-up
       rudimentary, but ultra-fast loading. According to experts
       the  speed  of  a  page  in  Voice  Search  should  not  be
       more than 1.5 seconds, because if the customer has no
       answer  during  this  time,  the  dealer  has  a  problem  as
       people are simply too fast-paced.

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