Page 24 - AeM_March_2019
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             SEO & SEA: It’s all about strategy

            Search  Engine  Optimization  (SEO)  and  Search  Engine  2. Automated SEO Business Intelligence Solutions
            Advertising (SEA) mean more than just keyword analysis
            and should be an essential part of any online marketing   More  and more sophisticated  and complex SEO tools
            strategy  today.  Simply  because  skilful  SEO  and   on the market provide useful, small-scale, and granular
            deliberate SEA makes websites more productive for the   results,  but  can  also  create  confusion  in  view  of  the
            sales  of  products.  Considering  certain  rules  can  be   immense data amount. The linking of the various data
            useful  to  steadily  improve  existing  operations,  like  the   sources in consolidated reporting is the crucial point to
            following:                                           obtain  a  comprehensive  picture  of  the  potential
                                                                 customer.  Automated  business  intelligence  solutions
            SEO  -  leading  interested  users  directly  to     that  provide  holistic  360-degree  deep-dives  are
            the own website                                      particularly helpful. Then, from the insights gained, the
                                                                 SEO  strategy  that  is  optimally  adapted  to  the  needs
            1. Data-supported audience composition               and preferences of the users can be derived. Another
                                                                 advantage is that these tools constantly link new data,
            The  wealth  of  information  on  the  Internet  is  endless,   which  allows  in  turn  a  continuous  modification  of  the
            hence,  customers  expect  companies  to  approach  them   strategy  according  to  the  latest  findings.  Apart  from
            nowadays  more  personally  and  individually  than  ever,   that, it is possible to work considerably more efficiently
            making optimal adaptation of content to marketing a core   and increase quality.
            discipline.  However,  tailor-made  SEO  results  assume
            that companies know and understand their target group   3. Data-driven SEO understanding and
            and the corresponding search behavior in order to be as   continuous monitoring
            visible  as  possible  for  these  groups  of  people,
            succeeding  on  the  basis  of  collected  data.  Collecting   Just as important as the development of a data-driven
            useful data is no longer a problem: the real challenge lies   SEO  strategy  is  an  immediate  and  continuous
            in meaningfully combining the immense data volumes in   monitoring  as  the  second  step.  The  SEO  analyst
            order to draw valuable conclusions about the respective   should continuously monitor how conversions are being
            user  groups.  Based  on  a  data-driven  understanding  of   generated,  turning  users  from  prospects  to  buyers.
            target  groups,  providers  can  tailor  landing  pages.   Only  that  way,  further  measures  can  be  planned  with
            Through the insights gained, target groups can then be   foresight. Another indicator of necessary adjustments is
            identified very precisely and offers adjusted accordingly.   the bounce rate as a ranking and turnover factor. Who
            In contrast to a one-size-fits-all solution, personal "SEO   leaves  a  page  for  what  reason  is  as  crucial  for  the
            experiences"  have  -  as  you  can  imagine  -  a  lot  more   optimization as knowledge about  who dwells there for
            potential to increase the ROI.                       what  reason.  Through  direct  monitoring,  SEO  experts
                                                                 can  also  react  directly  and  specifically  to  concrete
                                                                 developments:  there  are  a  variety  of  reasons  for

      24            March 2019 - Visual Search, Voice Search, Smart Speakers & SEO
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