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             Progressive Web Apps & SEO

            Progressive  Web  Apps  (PWAs)  allow  to  send  push   • Essentials on PWA and SEO: For native apps, the
            notifications  or  provide  offline  access  to  an  app's   app shop owners decide with their operating system
            content, just like native apps do. But unlike native apps,   updates on new features, while PWAs can use new
            content in PWAs is accessible to search engines, so that   features  only  if  the  browser  used  supports  them.
            the same online marketing strategies could be used for   Google recommends Progressive  Enhancement for
            PWAs just like for traditional websites.                discoverability  of  PWAs,  meaning  that  web
                                                                    designers  using  this  method  separate  information,
            The  term  “Progressive  Web  App”  comes  from  Google,   features,  and  design,  besides  making  sure  that
            hence there is support and belief in the technology from   basic,  important  information  is  always  available.
            the search giant, while Apple still seems to be hesitant –   Whether and  which of the design and  presentation
            although,  with  iOS  11.3,  some  features  of  the  PWAs   elements, as well as functions, the user can see or
            found their way into the iPhone and iPad. Nevertheless,   use respectively, eventually decides the browser in
            for example, push messages can still not be sent - unlike   use. And don’t forget to add a sitemap to your site
            Android - but it can be assumed that Apple is working on   and make sure you register it in the Google Search
            a solution. Anyway, Android dominates with a worldwide   Console.
            market  share  of  almost  88%,  hence,  the  prospects  for
            PWAs  look  bright  and  they  could  be  the  next    • Use  real  URLs: Some PWAs use the # symbol in
            evolutionary stage on the Internet.                     their URLs. The only problem is that the Google bots
                                                                    only  read  up  to  "#",  and  everything  that  follows
            In short, PWAs are simply a good choice if you want to   doesn’t  get  indexed.  Thus,  follow  SEO  URL  best
            offer content in a user-friendly way that users work with   practices  by  including  keywords  in  the  URL  and
            on  a  regular  basis,  hence,  find  out  how  SEO  for   keeping them short.
            Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) works:

      22            March 2019 - Visual Search, Voice Search, Smart Speakers & SEO
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