Page 25 - AeM_March_2019
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       change,  e.g.,  a  new  competitor  may  have  joined  the  in the relevant target group, which results in increasing
       market,  the  popularity  of  certain  products  may  have  conversion  rates.  Eventually,  the  more  efficient  niche
       increased, or the Google algorithm has been modified. If  strategy reduces campaign costs.
       the  company  knows  about  the  effects  of  these
       processes,  it  can  adapt  the  contents  of  its  website  6. High performance SEA landing page
       accordingly - anytime.
                                                           As a rule, special attention should always be given to
       SEA - The right ad in the right situation           the landing page, since it is the first point of contact for
                                                           the potential customer. Websites that don’t convince in
       4. Granular account structure                       seconds make users leave immediately. In principle, it's
                                                           an extension of the ad, so it should also take its content
       Google Ads campaigns should be thematic and strategic  one-to-one. Otherwise, it is simply irrelevant to a user
       for  the  best  results.  In  fact,  it  is  the  only  way  for  the  looking for specific content. Therefore, it usually makes
       company to remain fully in control and decide for itself on  no sense to simply link to the company homepage in a
       which budget, at which time of the day, on which devices  search  engine  ad.  The  click  on  the  respective  link
       and which target groups the campaigns will be played. It  should  lead  the  interested  party  straight  to  the  right
       is  advisable  to  use  a  detailed  campaign  structure  to  spot, where more about the corresponding offer can be
       provide   individual   keywords    with   individual  found.  In  the  best  case,  customers  find  here  a  well-
       advertisements. Because if these are optimally matched  placed  ‘call-to-action’  (CTA)  to  buy  instantaneously.
       to  the  respective  search  intention  and  the  appropriate  Incidentally, a convincing landing page also has a clear
       product,  their  relevance  to  the  user  increases  and  uniform  design,  which  corresponds  in  form  and
       enormously.  Just  make  sure  that  similar-looking  content  to  the  corporate  identity  of  the  respective
       inquiries, but different in essence, are not leading to the  company.  Finally,  the  loading  speed  of  the  website
       same ad.                                            should not be neglected as a deciding factor – if it is too
                                                           slow,  the  users  may  leave  the  website  directly  under
       5. Traffic Qualification                            certain  circumstances  and  might  be  lost  to  the
                                                           company forever as a customer.
       Even  before  the  user  visits  the  website,  the  wheat
       separates  from  the  chaff  through  the  so-called  traffic   Clearly all depends on the right strategy. Hence, you
       qualification.  You  do  not  only  manage  to  bring  the   might  want  to  consider  the  recommendations
       generally  interested users to the own page  with certain   presented  above  to  increase  the  chance  of  boosting
       niche  keywords,  but  those  who  already  have  a  very   your conversion rate significantly. ◊
       specific  purchase  intent  for  an  article  or  service,  too.
       Even type designations or brand names help to guide the                          By Daniela La Marca
       traffic optimally.  Initially,  less traffic is generated on the
       website  itself,  but  the  waste  circulation  is  reduced
       considerably,  since  only  really  interested  users  are
       addressed. Thus, a provider reaches maximum visibility

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