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         asking  a  lot  of  questions,  closing  experience  gaps   creates  a  system  of  action  with  reimagined  interfaces
         faster.                                           designed for every stakeholder, from the executive, to
                                                           the front line. Through  integrations  with leading sales,
        • Frontline  Feedback: Employees are at the frontline   HRIS,  CRM,  collaboration  and  service  clouds,
         with  customers  across  all  stages  of  a  customer   CustomerXM smartly activates insights in the tools and
         journey. With Frontline Feedback, employees have a   platforms  employees  use  every  day,  so  they  can  act
         structured,  always-on  way  to  provide  feedback  and   immediately.
         submit  actionable  ideas  on  how  to  improve  the
         customer  experience.  With  commenting  and      New products and features include:
         upvoting/downvoting,  employees  can  collaborate
         with each other and increase the customer-centricity   • Smart  Routing:  Smart  Routing  ensures  the  right
         of their organization's culture.                     actionable  insights  get  to  the  right  person  in  the
                                                              organization,  in  the  tool  and  platforms  they  use.
       Successful CX Programs Are PREDICTIVE                  Integrations  with  leading  platforms  such  as  SAP,
                                                    ,  Microsoft  Dynamics,  JIRA,  and
       Leading CX programs proactively surface insights and   more, ensure that every person the organization can
       generate powerful predictions about customer behavior,   make  CX  part  of  their  daily  routine  and  close
       so organizations can act faster. The power of Qualtrics   experience gaps faster.
       iQ, a set of intelligent, machine learning capabilities, is
       built  directly  into  CustomerXM,  and  surfaces  tailored   • Reimagined  Mobile  Experience:  Qualtrics  has
       insights,   focused   on   root   cause   resolution.   reimagined  CX  for  mobile  devices,  focusing  on
                                                              getting  from  insight  to  action  more  quickly.  New
       New products and features include:                     smart  notifications  immediately  alert  users  to
                                                              changes  in  their  customer's  experience,  such  as  a
        •  Focus  Areas: Focus Areas are prescriptive insights   decline in NPS in a particular region. CX leaders and
          that  help  organizations  prioritize  key  drivers  based   stakeholders no longer must filter dashboards or dig
          on  the  impact  each  will  have  on  business     to  uncover  important  insights.  Users  can  easily
          performance. Tailored to each role and department,   comment  on  key  insights,  tag  others,  and  share,
          Focus  Areas  tell  you  exactly  which  actions  can   immediately  activating  the  organization  to  act  on
          move the needle most with customers.                customer  experience.  CustomerXM  brings  the
                                                              insights to them.
        •  Voice  iQ:  Voice  analytics  enable  organizations  to
          understand sentiment and gain insights from every   • B2B  Command  Center:  B2B  organizations  now
          call coming into your contact center. Organizations   have  CX  tools  designed  specifically  for  their
          can  gather  insights  from  every  customer  service   business,  with  CX  insights  and  actions  at  the
          interaction  using  the  power  of  the  human  voice  in   account level. Account leaders can more effectively
          addition to other channels available in the Qualtrics   drive  value  with  their  accounts  with  customer
          Experience  Management  platform  to  understand    experience  trends,  persona-based  insights,  journey
          customer experience. Topic, sentiment and tonality   views,  verbatim  analysis  and  powerful  predictions
          analysis alongside operational data and experience   about future behaviour, such as churn and upsell.
          feedback provide CX leaders and stakeholders the
          insights they need to improve customer satisfaction   CustomerXM is used by the world's most iconic brands
          and employee performance.                        to  optimize  the  customer  experience  and  make  data-
                                                           driven decisions that ultimately lead to more customers,
        •  Benchmarks    for   CX:   Organizations   using   reduced  churn  and  increased  loyalty.  The  best
          CustomerXM™  now  have  access  to  industry     customer  experience  management  programs  track
          benchmarks and custom market research from the   every  meaningful  interaction  and  analyze  the  data  to
          world's  leading  providers,  including  Bain,  Walker,   close the gap between what customers expect and the
          and the XM Institute. CX leaders and stakeholders   experience being delivered. ◊
          can more easily benchmark and uncover insights for
          their  CX  programs  in  real-time  against  other   To learn more visit:
          organizations  using  the  world's  most  reputable   -experience/.
          industry benchmarks.

       Successful CX Programs Are EMBEDDED

       CX programs that drive business impact are embedded
       in an organization's existing culture, tools and process
       so  every  employee  can  be  activated  to  deliver
       breakthrough  customer  experiences.  CustomerXM

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