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             Qualtrics new suite of industry-leading

             data protection and governance

            A recent Qualtrics study of data privacy professionals   data,  compliance,  security  and  costs  as  they  build
            found that 65% of all organizations use multiple survey   Customer,  Employee,  Product  and  Brand  Experience
            tools and 45% of these organizations don't even know   solutions  on  the  Qualtrics  XM  Platform.  The  new
            how  many  survey  accounts  exist  within  the      capabilities  will  help  organizations  standardize  the
            organization.  This  fragmentation  leads  to  data  silos,   collection of experience data (X-data) — the opinions,
            security and compliance risks and disjointed customer   beliefs,  emotions  and  sentiments  that  people  have
            experiences.                                         about  their  experiences  with  the  organization  –  and
                                                                 allow  them  to  seamlessly  manage  thousands  of
            "As  organizations  look  to  close  experience  gaps,  we   employees  collecting,  analyzing  and  acting  on  X-data
            are seeing a wave of CIOs and IT leaders mandate the   across the organization.
            breakdown  of  X-data  silos  and  institutionalize  a
            standard  governance  model  for  managing  their    The new suite of industry-leading XM Controls include:
            customer, employee, brand, and product experiences,"
            says    Zig   Serafin,   President   of   Qualtrics.   • Admin  Dashboard - Qualtrics has reimagined the
                                                                     Admin center with a series of new, intuitive reports
            Qualtrics is the technology platform that organizations   that  provide  actionable  insights  for  monitoring  the
            use  to  collect,  manage,  and  act  on  experience  data,   health  of  an  organization’s  XM  deployment.  The
            also  called  X-data.  The  Qualtrics  XM  Platform  is  a   reports  are  built  around  usage,  consumption,
            system  of  action,  used  by  teams,  departments,  and   activity  and  user  engagement  - making  it  easy  for
            entire  organizations  to  manage  the  four  core       admins  to  drill  down  into  specific  areas,  flag
            experiences    of   business—customer,    product,       violations and take immediate action.
            employee and brand—on one platform.
                                                                   • Access Controls - Qualtrics now makes it easy for
            Now,  Qualtrics  announced  a  new  suite  of  industry-  organizations of any size to centralize X-data on a
            leading data protection and governance capabilities to   single  platform.  With  new  access  management
            help  organizations  comply  with  the  latest  global  data   capabilities, IT leaders can enable their employees
            protection and security policies. XM Controls will allow   to  sign  up  for  a  Qualtrics  account  through  a
            XM program managers to manage users, permissions,        personalized,   self-enrolment   workflow   while

      36            March 2019 - Visual Search, Voice Search, Smart Speakers & SEO
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