Page 16 - AeM_October_2021
P. 16


             Why the “Internet of Things” adds

             authority to domain reputation

            The  “Internet  of  Things”  (IoT)  essentially      network, the IPv4 addresses will be assigned. To cre-
            describes the communication between countless        ate  a  way  out,  the  Internet  Engineering  Taskforce
            devices  via  the  Internet.  The  concept  is  well   (IETF)  created  a  new  IP  standard  in  1998:  IPv6.  The
            known  by  now  and  will  become  a  reality  with   number  of  possible  IPv6  addresses  is  unimaginably
            billions  of  more  connected  devices  to  the      large, in the range of several hundred quadrillion, so it
            Internet  in  the  coming  years.  The  chances  of   should be sufficient for some time.
            abuse increase immeasurably: on the one hand,
            completely  new  options  for  communication  and    As  for  email  marketing,  your  reputation  as  a  sender
            transactions  with  your  customers  open  up;  on   today  is  primarily  related  to  your  IP  address.  As  the
            the  other  hand,  the  dangers  increase,  because   introduction  of  IPv6  addresses  progresses,  it  will  no
            spammers and phishers know how to use these          longer be possible in the foreseeable future to evaluate
            new options against you and your brand.              the sender reputation in the IPv6 version solely in terms
                                                                 of the IP address. As a result, the domain is increasing-
            The concept of IP addresses as the interface between   ly becoming the focus of attention as a reliable assess-
            computers and devices with the Internet is well known.   ment criterion for reputation.
            For years the business world and information technolo-
            gy  used  a  certain  version  of  IP  addresses,  namely   Return Path, refers in this context to DomainKeys Iden-
            IPv4, without worrying about the fact that the number of   tified Mail (DKIM) and to the following aspects, explain-
            possible IP addresses is finite. The IPv4 variant has a   ing why the domain reputation is becoming increasingly
            total of 4.3 billion addresses and with the steady growth   important for mailbox providers:
            of computers and computing devices connected to the

                                                              16                            October 2021: IoT in Marketing
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