Page 20 - AeM_October_2021
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             EVRYTHNG for IoT marketing data collection

            The buzzword Internet of Things, or IoT for short,
            is obviously a whole bunch of technologies and       adoption and widespread distribution of the Internet of
                                                                 Things  all  the  more.  So,  to  no  surprise,  it  is  believed
            Internet protocols that have the common goal of      that  IoT  will  make  the  biggest  impact  on  marketing,
            connecting all kinds of devices to the Internet. In   ahead of other related technology trends like big data,
            contrast  to  networked  computers  and  servers,    real-time  mobile  personalized  transactions,  and
            these  devices  are  usually  equipped  with  little   customer experience.
            computing power and memory for lower energy
            consumption and for reasons of cost. These IoT       The  industry  pioneer  EVRYTHNG,  for  instance,
            devices  then  make  their  services  and  data      identified  three  main  consumer  use  cases  for  smart
                                                                 products powered by an IoT platform:
            available  in  the  network  via  a  server  (gateway  /
            broker)  on  the  Internet  that  collects  and        1.  Products-As-Media:  once  activated,  products
            evaluates the data to make it available for query.        become  a  data-driven,  owned  media  platform  to
            The IoT devices send their data to the IoT service        launch digital experiences and content.
            or its gateway whenever they are ready. Ideally,       2.  Products-as-a-Service:  physical  goods  that  are
            each  device  is  only  responsible  for  one  task  or   packaged  and  delivered  with  a  digital  layer  of
            one measured value, so the other devices remain           personalized  services  can  adapt  themselves  to
            functional  if  one  should  fail  temporarily  or        user preferences and get better over time as they
            completely.                                               learn, and new digital upgrades are made.

            As we know, IoT projects are generally focused on the   3.  Ecosystem-Connected  Products:  products can
            optimization  and  automation  of  processes;  therefore,   unlock  additional  user  and  business  value  by
            this new development can certainly provide marketers      making  more  connections  with  partner  products,
            with  an  array  of  opportunity  as  well,  especially  when   apps, and data services in the digital ecosystem.
            considering bridging the physical to the digital world.
                                                                 So,  when  looking  at  a  company  like  EVRYTHNG,  the
            Today’s “connected consumer” shower marketers with   tipping point for widespread IoT applications seems to
            data  for  the  marketing  activities  that  accelerate  the   be closer than we think. Its IoT platform-as-a-service is

                                                              20                            October 2021: IoT in Marketing
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