Page 22 - AeM_October_2021
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             SOTI reduces cost and complexity of

             business-critical mobility and the IoT

            The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the dazzling   With a network of interconnected and smart products, it
            trends  of  the  21st  century,  destined  to  change   is possible to create new value services for users. For
            our life, as well as any business and market, by     example,  brands  can  exploit  this  new  communication
            collecting,  processing,  and  analyzing  large      channel to relate to those who own and use things to
            amounts of data in real time, thereby uniting the    personalize  offers.  Customer  management  and  after-
                                                                 sales  service  can  also  be  more  contextualized  and
            physical and digital world.
                                                                 customized to the individual consumer.
            This  allows  marketers  to  understand  users'  behaviors
            and their needs, as well as accessing information that   According  to  marketing  experts,  future  consumers  will
            have  been  previously  hidden.  Companies  can  easily   be  less  and  less  willing  to  type  their  requests  on  a
            have  real-time  sales  data,  know  where  and  how  their   device  and  more  and  more  are  convinced  that  their
            products  are  purchased,  and  receive  immediate   needs  must  be  immediately  understood  and  fulfilled.
            feedback  from  customers.  The  result  is  strategic   Not to mention that smart things will lead consumers to
            planning  in  real  time,  comprised  of  continuous  and   new   habits   and   cultivate   new   expectations.
            constant adjustments.                                Correspondingly,  IoT  enables  smarter,  more  targeted
                                                                 advertising,  more  useful  and  relevant  messages,
            Hence,  IoT  is  the  starting  point  for  the  creation  of   aligned  with  the  consumer's  profile,  behavior  and
            connected products that detect contextual information.   purchases previously made.
            In  fact,  if  connected  products  are  aligned  with
            production  systems  as  early  as  the  product  creation   How SOTI simplifies business mobility
            phase,  they  subsequently  allow  the  processes
            themselves  to  be  modified  according  to  actual   Business  mobility  is  critical  to  the  success  of  every
            customer  needs.  In  other  words,  we  move  from   company  as  their  workers  depend  heavily  on  mobile
            connected  products  to  smart  products,  in  which   devices  and  apps  to  do  their  jobs.  Unfortunately,  the
            intelligence is added to interconnection.            scale and complexity of mobility deployment is making
                                                                 security and management more challenging than ever
                                                                 and IoT will only intensify this situation.

                                                              22                            October 2021: IoT in Marketing
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