Page 17 - AeM_October_2021
P. 17


        •  The  Domain-based  Message  Authentication,  Re-
          porting,  and  Conformance  (DMARC)  standard  is
          increasing the  interest of  mailbox providers in the
          DomainKeys  Identified  Mail  (DKIM)  test.  And  if
          DKIM checks are carried out anyway, the domain
          reputation continues to gain in importance.

        •  Mailbox providers face the fact of emails with IPv6
          addresses. IPv4 blacklists and reputation services
          are  very  effective,  but  in  a  world  determined  by
          IPv6,  senders  can  hide  more  easily,  so  that  IP-
          based blacklists are no longer an effective means.
          The  reputation  of  domains,  however  (just  like
          whitelists  with  IPv6  addresses  and  domain  white-
          lists) can work in the IPv6 world.                 5.  If  you  send  emails  through  domains  of  service
                                                                providers, you must also track the performance of
       Of  course,  IPv6  will  only  be  introduced  gradually  and   the  email  campaigns  and  email  streams  running
       the merging to the "Internet of Things" is no small mat-  from these domains. You may unwittingly identify
       ter, so you can most probably still use your current IP   yourself as a potential spammer if such domains
       addresses  for  quite  some  time.  In  the  foreseeable  fu-  appear on blacklists or are associated with spam.
       ture, mailbox providers will continue to use a combina-
       tion of IP and domain reputation as a basis for decision-  6.  Check domain blacklists such as SURBL, URIBL
       making. Spoofing is also still a weak point of domains,   and  Spamhaus  DBL  regularly  to  make sure  your
       and it  will take time for more effective domain reputa-  domains  are  not  listed  there.  If  one  of  your  do-
       tion  protocols  to  be  developed  and  implemented.  To   mains  is  listed,  determine  the  cause  as  soon  as
       protect your own reputation as a sender in this transi-  possible  so  that  you  can  fix  the  problem  and  do
       tion situation, the following measures are recommend-    not appear on these lists again.
                                                             7.  It is advisable to refrain from affiliate marketing. A
        1.  Track your IP reputation using, for instance, tools   partner who uses your domain to send emails can
           like Sender Score and Inbox Monitor from Return      cause your domain to be blacklisted and damage
           Path. You can also initiate monitoring of your do-   your  reputation  as  a  sender,  which  can  lead  to
           main(s).  Start  by  applying  complaint  rates,  un-  delivery problems for your own e-mails.
           known user rates and other metrics that you use
           to control your IP address(es) to your domain(s). If   The fact is that the reputation of your domain is already
           some  of  your  sending  IPs  have  bad  reputations   an  indicator  of  filter  decisions  for  mailbox  providers.
           you should be careful, as this could damage your   And the more computing devices are connected to the
           entire domain reputation.                       “Internet  of  Things”,  the  more  important  the  domain's
                                                           reputation becomes. With billions of other devices con-
        2.  Make sure you authenticate using SPF and DKIM.   nected via the Internet in the next 5 years, the chances
           If you haven't already, get started right away.   of misuse increase immeasurably.◊

        3.  Consider using DMARC.                                                         By Daniela La Marca

        4.  Keep the number of your domains as low as pos-
           sible,  considering  the  requirements  of  your  email
           program.  Having  many  domains  makes  it  easier
           for spammers and phishers to pass off fraudulent
           emails as originating from your brand. At the same
           time,  it  makes  it  difficult  for  you  to  track  down
           these attackers to stop them.

         October 2021: IoT in Marketing                 17
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