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       offers  fundamental  technologies  such  as  operating   MacroVerse  provides  more  than  50  scenario-specific
       systems,  databases,  AI,  compilers,  codecs,  and   cloud services, 128 Kits, and over 20,000 APIs.
       algorithms  to  customers,  partners,  and  developers
       across  a  wide  variety  of  industries  through  cloud   Huawei  Hetu  cloud  integrates  2D  or  3D  digital
       services  that  have  been  built  by  100,000  engineers,   information  into  any  physical  space  to  seamlessly
       according  to  Huawei,  with  an  average  annual  R&D   merge  the  physical  and  digital  worlds.  It  has  been
       investment of USD10 billion.                        applied in more than 20 scenarios, including museums,
                                                           shopping malls, and historical relics. HUAWEI  CLOUD
       In  addition,  Zhang  Ping'an  announced  in  his  keynote   WeLink   leverages  Huawei's  own  digital  office
       speech three technical upgrades to HUAWEI CLOUD     experience  and  has  served  180  Fortune  China  500
       GaussDB,  while  HUAWEI  CLOUD  Stack  was          enterprises.  In  addition  to  a  major  upgrade,  HUAWEI
       upgraded  to  8.1.,  supporting  now  eight  services,   CLOUD WeLink will be launched in more countries this
       including AI inference, big data governance and cloud   October. This new digital media pipeline automates film
       desktop, and providing more than 80 cloud services in   and television production and helped to create the first
       12 categories.                                      virtual human, Yunsheng, to join HUAWEI CLOUD.

       Furthermore, HUAWEI CLOUD's OptVerse  AI  Solver    As  Zhang  Ping'an  said,  digitalization  is  a  wealth  of
       pushes  operations  research  now  beyond  the  limits  of   opportunity, but the key is to think and act cloud native,
       optimization, solving problems with hundreds of millions   and apply this all-digital, all-cloud, AI-driven mindset to
       of  variables  at  100x  computing  speed  thanks  to   explore the potential of everything as a service.
       distributed parallel acceleration. AI-enabled modeling is
       30x  more  efficient  than  manual  modeling,  while  AI-  Four years into its development, HUAWEI CLOUD has
       based  adaptive  tuning  is  30%  more  efficient  than   attracted  2.3  million  developers,  14,000  consulting
       manual  parameter  setting.  Thanks  to  these  metrics,   partners, 6,000 technical partners, and released 4,500
       OptVerse AI Solver ranks first on the Hans Mittelmann   Marketplace products. That’s prove enough that it has
       Benchmark for Simplex LP solvers.                   become  an  important  platform  for  Internet  companies
                                                           and  organizations  to  go  digital.  Clearly,  HUAWEI
       The Pangu  drug  molecule  model, a joint release by   CLOUD  is  committed  to  building  the  cloud  foundation
       HUAWEI  CLOUD  and  Shanghai  Institute  of  Materia   for  an  intelligent  world  with  ubiquitous  cloud  and
       Medica (SIMM) of Chinese Academy of Sciences, was   pervasive  intelligence  and  an  array  of  companies
       unveiled  at  the  event  too.  This  model  learns  the   already joined hands with HUAWEI CLOUD to embrace
       chemical  structure  of  1.7  billion  small  molecules  and   digitalization.
       assists in drug design throughout the entire process for
       enhanced   R&D     efficiency.   Among   the   first   Now, at the Huawei TECH4ALL Summit, Huawei called
       achievements  of  this  model  is  a  new  broad-spectrum   for more  global  partners  to  join  the  TECH4ALL  digital
       antimicrobial  drug  designed  by  the  First  Affiliated   inclusion initiative, which aims to build a more inclusive
       Hospital of Medical School of Xi'an Jiaotong University,   and intelligent world that leaves no one behind.
       who  shortened  the  lead  compound  R&D  cycle  from
       several years to one month.                         "If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk
                                                           far,  walk  together,"  said  Huawei’s  Tao  Jingwen  in  his
       Expertise as a Service for Shared                   opening  remarks.  "We  believe  that  more  partners  will
       Excellence                                          work with us to advance the TECH4ALL action plan in
                                                           the future. Join us for a more inclusive, intelligent world
                                                           where no one is left behind."
       Last of all, the MacroVerse aPaaS has been launched,
       positioned  by  HUAWEI  CLOUD  as  the  aPaaS  for   Focus  is  on  four  areas:  driving  equity  and  quality  in
       industries,  that  takes  expertise  and  innovations  from   education,  conserving  nature  with  technology,  driving
       industry  digital  transformation  and  builds  them  into   inclusion  and  accessibility  in  health,  and  using  ICT  to
       cloud platform services for industry developers.
                                                           boost rural development. HUAWEI believes this can be
                                                           achieved   with   digital   technologies,   application
       MacroVerse  provides  mobile  developers  five  digital
       engines:  payment,  search,  browsing,  map,  and   enablement  and  digital  skills.  Besides  that,  co-
       advertising.  So,  mobile  applications,  developed  based   operations with global partners are needed to promote
       on  HUAWEI  CLOUD,  can  be  released  to  Huawei   and expand digital inclusion so that the UN Sustainable
       AppGallery  with  one  click.  In  nine  vertical  markets,   Development Goals (SDGs) can be reached. (Source:
       including  industrial,  automobile,  retail,  healthcare,   Huawei) ◊
       interactive  media  and  news,  HUAWEI  CLOUD
                                                                                               By MediaBUZZ

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