Page 26 - AeM_October_2021
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            can also organize the minutes by keywords, generate a   the world, we remain committed to innovating products
            meeting summary and highlights and list out follow-up   and services that bring the benefits of cloud computing
            items.                                               to all."

            In China, Tingwu has been integrated into DingTalk, a   The  upgraded  computer  draws  on  the  power  of  the
            digital collaboration platform created by Alibaba Group,   cloud to give users access to organizational resources
            to  enhance  meeting  efficiency  on  the  platform  by   regardless of whether they are at home or in the office.
            automatically  transcribing  conversations  and  sharing   This access comes through the "Cloud Workplace", an
            notes with users.                                    integrated  solution  consisting  of  security,  network  and
                                                                 storage tools enabling enterprises to build "an office in
            "The functionality of Tingwu will continue to expand, as   the cloud" in a secure and agile way.
            we are now developing a model that can process mixed
            -language  speech.  We  will  also  explore  additional   The  solution  directly  addresses  the  data  security
            language  options  to  prepare  Tingwu  for  use  in  large   challenges  faced  by  many  IT  departments  when  they
            multinational corporations and overseas markets," Yan   adopt flexible working arrangements. Leveraging cloud-
            added.                                               based data security capabilities such as firewalls, end-
                                                                 to-end encryption and cloud backup and recovery, the
            An office in the cloud to work from                  solution stores information in the cloud, rather than on
            anywhere                                             a  device,  thereby  enhancing  corporate  information
                                                                 security for both home-based and in-office workforces.
            Building on the success of the Wuying cloud computer
            for enterprises which debuted last year, Alibaba Cloud   Powered by the "Cloud Workplace", the Wuying family
            has upgraded its functionality with an all-in-one PC and   of products now consists of the latest all-in-one PC, the
            a  one-stop  "Cloud  Workplace"  solution  to  empower   previously  launched  card  and  box  terminals  and  a
            users to work from anywhere.                         Desktop-as-a Service (DaaS) application, which allows
                                                                 corporate users to connect to the cloud computer from
            "Our upgraded cloud computer is 'an office in the cloud'   any device regardless of the operating system installed.
            that  offers  enterprise  and  individual  users  flexible   This  gives  corporates  the  flexibility  to  utilize  existing
            remote working options, and at the same time provides   resources  and  the  scalability  to  support  business
            them  with  a  secure  environment  for  network  access   expansion,  allowing  them  to  tailor  IT  infrastructure
            and  storage  functions,"  said  Jiangwei  Jiang,  Senior   based  on  their  unique  demands.  (Source:  Alibaba
            Researcher  and  General  Manager  of  Infrastructure   Cloud) ◊
            Products,  Alibaba  Cloud  Intelligence.  "As  remote
            offices become a more common way of working around                                       By MediaBUZZ

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