Page 28 - AeM_October_2021
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                                                          Arduino IoT Cloud helps

                                                          makers build connected

                                                          objects in a quick, easy

                                                          and secure way

            IoT  cloud  services,  such  as  those  offered  by   from  anywhere  using  a  simple  user  interface.  Not  to
            Microsoft  Azure  or  Amazon,  are  complex  and     mention that famously Arduino:
            therefore not ideal platforms for developers who
            work  in  the  Raspberry,  Arduino  and  Co.         •  is  inexpensive  compared  to  other  microcontroller
            environment.                                            platforms;
                                                                 •  is a cross-platform, running on Windows, Macintosh
            Last  year,  the  Arduino  development  team  started  to   OSX, and Linux operating systems;
            offer  its  target  group  the  Arduino  Cloud,  an  in-house   •  has a simple, clear programming environment that’s
            variant  of  cloud  computing  for  the  Internet  of  Things   easy-to-use  for  beginners,  yet  flexible  enough  for
            (IoT),  which  differs  conceptually  from  the  big    advanced users to take advantage of as well;
            competitors in a few points.                         •  is an open source and extensible software; and
                                                                 •  is published under a Creative Commons license, so
            Born  in  Italy  almost  two  decades  ago  at  the  Ivrea   experienced  circuit  designers  can  make  their  own
            Interaction  Design  Institute,  with  the  goal  to  support   version of the module, extending it and improving it.
            students  without  a  background  in  electronics  and   Features  of  Arduino  IoT  Cloud  include  templated
            programming  with  tools  for  fast  prototyping,  Arduino   solutions to minimize coding, plug-and-play onboarding
            consistently  aligns  its  product  to  the  needs  of  home   to  automatically  generate  a  sketch  when  setting  up  a
            users and small businesses.                          new  device  and  an  “on-the-go”  mobile  dashboard
                                                                 allowing users to access sensor monitoring.
            Now  the  platform  integrates  with  Amazon  Alexa,
            Google  Sheets,  IFTTT  and  ZAPIER,  which  enables   Almost all Arduino boards are completely open-source,
            users  to  program  and  manage  devices  using  voice,   empowering  users  to  build  them  independently  and
            spreadsheets,  databases,  and  automate  alerts  using   eventually adapt them to their needs. Arduino acts as
            webhooks.  For  more  advanced  users,  it  also  enables   the  brain  of  the  system  and  processes  the  data  from
            other  methods  of  interaction,  including  HTTP  REST   the sensor, works as a gateway, bridging other devices
            API,  MQTT,  Command-Line  Tools,  JavaScript,  and   and  the  Internet,  and  is  popular  among  hobbyists  &
            WebSocket’s.                                         enthusiasts across the globe for being readily available.

            Anyway, the possibilities of the Arduino IoT Cloud are   So,  to  no  surprise,  Arduino  has  been  the  brain  of
            excellently helping makers build connected objects in a   thousands  of  projects  over  the  years,  from  everyday
            quick,  easy  and  secure  way.  It’s  now  possible  to   objects to complex scientific instruments. ◊
            connect multiple devices to each other and allow them
            to  exchange  real-time  data,  besides  monitoring  them                                By MediaBUZZ

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