Page 32 - AeM_October_2021
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                                                                 API  (mostly  RESTful  API),  which  then  plays  out  the
                                                                 content that the frontend needs. In this way, the content
                                                                 can be individualized at the touchpoints.

                                                                 Headless CMSs are gaining in relevance because they
                                                                 open up the possibility of displaying content quickly and
                                                                 flexibly  on  different  channels  and  devices.  Therefore,
                                                                 they  are  an  important  tool  for  modern  multichannel
                                                                 marketing  as  well  as  in  the  context  of  mobile-first  ap-
                                                                 proaches. But the key advantages of a headless CMS
                                                                 are the central organization and updating of the content
                                                                 as well as the tailor-made layout in the respective front
                                                                 end. In the best case, users will find current and individ-
            becomes clear. What works for one touchpoint is use-  ualized  content  across  platforms  and  come  across  a
            less  for  the  next.  Headless  CMS  work  differently  as   plus in user experience. In company intranets, content
            they  provide  raw  data  that  is  queried  from  various   and  product  data  can  also  be  managed  centrally  and
            touchpoints via APIs and displayed individually.     accessed  in  the  current  form—ideally  without  friction
                                                                 losses due to formatting errors. If problems arise in the
            Classic  CMS  consist of a technical backend that’s re-  front or back end, the other area at best remains unaf-
            sponsible for storing and providing the content, an au-  fected.
            thor backend that allows the content to be edited, and
            the  frontend  that  contains  the  content  according  to   Another advantage of headless CMS are dynamic que-
            stored templates for the end user outputs. All three are-  ries.  Front  ends  can  call  up  data  at  any  time  via  the
            as are closely linked. The CMS contains the templates   RESTful API. Sections or individual contents of a web-
            in  the  form  of  CSS,  HTML  and  JavaScript,  and  thus   site / application can be updated without reloading the
            determines  the  presentation  of  the  content  on  the  us-  page  or  application,  which  leads  to  significantly  faster
            er's device.                                         response times.

            The  absence  of  a  front  end  is  essential  for  headless   The  front-end  systems  can  be  expanded  at  any  time,
            CMS that acts as a database, manages the content in   without  adapting  the  CMS,  providing  completely  new
            raw form and delivers it on request from any front end   freedoms  for  developers:  a  new  touchpoint  added
            via interfaces (APIs). Headless CMS thus enables the   simply adopts the content from the CMS and puts it into
            use of modern, different front-end technologies for so-  the  optimal  form.  Designers  and  system  developers
            cial  media  channels,  native,  hybrid  or  web  apps,   can also change the layout in the front end without af-
            (social) intranets, shops and websites. It is possible to   fecting the database.
            combine several content sources via APIs in one front
            end. Conversely, a headless CMS can also send data   These advantages make headless CMS ideal for multi-
            to multiple front ends.                              channel  use,  simply  because  they  deliver  content  via
                                                                 API  and  display  it  optimally  on  all  end  devices.  New
            In a pure headless CMS itself there are no options for   channels can be operated much more easily. However,
            the visual design of the content. All layout details such   for companies that only operate a single info website, a
            as  fonts,  sizes  and  colors  are  not  specified  by  the   classic CMS is usually still the better choice. The larger
            headless CMS, but by the frontend. The styles can vary   the number of channels, or the more independent appli-
            greatly,  depending  on  the  type  of  touchpoint.  Editors,   cations (e.g., configurators, product finders, etc.) are to
            translators, copywriters, graphic artists, and technicians   be added to digital offer, the more likely it is to use a
            create  the  content  centrally  in  the  headless  CMS  that   headless CMS.
            stores the data in a structured and media-neutral way.
            The front-end systems are responsible for the distribu-  Headless  CMS  definitely  have  the  potential  to  make
            tion, updating and display.                          companies’ marketing and content management signifi-
                                                                 cantly more future proof. ◊
            In contrast to classic CMS, headless CMS are usually
            not a push system, but work according to the pull prin-                             By Daniela La Marca
            ciple: the frontend sends a request to the CMS via the

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