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       Ericsson IoT Accelerator Cloud Connect simplifies
       connecting cellular IoT devices to AWS

                                                           With more than 35 global CSPs already on Ericsson's
                                                           IoT  Accelerator,  enterprises  of  any  size  can  manage
                                                           the  connectivity  of  their  devices  worldwide  now  much
                                                           easier via connection to AWS IoT Core.

                                                           Cristoff  Martin,  Chief  Marketing  Officer,  Telenor  Con-
                                                           nexion,  says:  “This  capability,  integrated  with  our  IoT
                                                           Cloud  service  also  developed  together  with  AWS,  will
                                                           allow even more efficient development and operation of
                                                           new connected solutions taking benefit of network tech-
                                                           nologies like Narrowband-IoT and the superior security
                                                           capabilities of mobile networks in general.”

                                                           Connecting to AWS IoT Core requires each connected
                                                           device  to  use  Transport  Layer  Security  (TLS)  encryp-
                                                           tion  for  all  communications.  With  Cloud  Connect,  the
                                                           IoT Accelerator service offers a plug-and-play alterna-
       Ericsson's  new  Cloud  Connect  service,  an       tive. In this, enterprises benefit from simple activation of
       integrated  component  of  the  Ericsson  IoT       devices that tunnel to the edge of the cellular infrastruc-
       Accelerator that  has  been  launched  last  month,   ture before automatically self-provisioning to AWS and
       makes it easy for enterprises to securely connect   securely connecting  via Cloud Connect generated  en-
       cellular  devices  to  public  cloud  IoT  endpoints   cryption and keys.
       such as AWS IoT Core.                               With Ericsson's IoT Accelerator Cloud Connect, devic-

       With an estimated five billion cellular IoT devices to be   es with unencrypted yet privately secured communica-
       in use by the end of 2026, according to the latest Erics-  tions over cellular network leveraging Message Queu-
       son  Mobility  Report,  enterprises  are  increasingly  out-  ing  Telemetry  Transport  (MQTT)  or  narrowband  User
       sourcing  device  authentication  and  data  management   Data Protocols (UDP), such as Constrained Application
       to  public  cloud  providers  such  as  Amazon  Web  Ser-  Protocol (CoAP), can connect seamlessly to AWS IoT
       vices (AWS).                                        Core,  resulting  in  significantly  lower  power  and  data
       Michael MacKenzie, General Manager, AWS IoT Con-
       nectivity & Control, says: “As enterprises connect more   Initial  results  show  that  Ericsson's  IoT  Accelerator
       IoT devices to the public cloud, they want an easy and   Cloud Connect enables low-powered devices to reduce
       secure way to ingest IoT device data to AWS. Simple   mobile data by up to 95% and extend battery life by up
       solutions like Ericsson's IoT Accelerator Cloud Connect   to 50% by removing the need to run public end-to-end
       give  enterprises  flexibility  by  leveraging  AWS  IoT  to   internet encryption.
       easily  manage  and  authorize  devices,  use  zero  touch
       provisioning, and ensure data is encrypted and secure.”   Kyle  Okamoto,  General  Manager  IoT,  Ericsson,  says:
                                                           “Ericsson's  IoT  Accelerator  Cloud  Connect  removes
       Enterprises on Ericsson IoT Accelerator-managing cel-  barriers for enterprises to connect their IoT devices to
       lular devices such as sensors, meters or tracking devic-  numerous  public  clouds  and  to  optimize  the  IoT  data
       es,  now  have  a  much  simpler  way  to  connect  to  the   management  infrastructure  offered  by  providers  like
       already secure AWS server through Ericsson's IoT Ac-  AWS. This means a faster time to market for enterprise
       celerator  Cloud  Connect,  which  moves  complex  en-  devices and products. We are excited to offer this ser-
       cryption from the device to the edge of the cellular net-  vice  to  our  IoT  Accelerator  community  of  over  7,000
       work.                                               enterprises globally.” (Source: Ericsson) ◊

       Communication service providers (CSPs) play a crucial                                   By MediaBUZZ
       role in the IoT ecosystem, providing global cellular con-
       nectivity using Ericsson IoT Accelerator.

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