Page 30 - AeM_October_2021
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             Web of Things (WoT)

            At first glance, the World Wide Web Consortium
            (W3C)  and  the  Internet  of  Things  (IoT)  are  two
            different  worlds.  The  consortium  is  considered
            the authority for web standards and ensures that
            everyone can find information on the World Wide
            Web  regardless  of  their  device.  Both  the
            relatively  simple  web  development  and  the  so-
            called  service  composition  (mashup)  work
            relatively smoothly when integrating and offering
            different  and  partly  external  services  such  as
            road maps, weather data or translation services.
            But it is precisely this orchestration of services
            that is less trivial on the Internet of Things. IoT   A TD provides information about the data and functions
            devices offer  data  and services  such  as sensor   provided, the type of data serialization and the security
            values  for  the  temperature  or  switching  a  lamp   mechanisms used for access control. In addition, there
            on  and  off.  Communication  works  smoothly        is other metadata that can be read by machines or hu-
                                                                 mans. A TD is written in JSON-LD (JavaScript Object
            when  companies  use  all  devices  from  a          Notation  for  Linked  Data)  format.  The  IoT  device  can
            manufacturer  and  rely  exclusively  on  its  app or   provide  it directly, or the  information is in  a repository
            ecosystem,  but  a  cross-manufacturer  service      such as a TD directory.
            composition  is  much  more  difficult,  especially
            since  security  requirements  differ  from  one     WoT is a protocol-independent approach and  offers a
            another. And that exactly the gap the W3C wants      uniform mechanism for mapping specific protocols such
            to close with the standardization activity for the   as  MQTT,  HTTP,  CoAP  or  Modbus  to  the  abstraction
            Web of Things (WoT).                                 elements Properties, Actions and Events. Binding tem-
                                                                 plates  exist  for  the  mapping  and  the  protocol-specific
            It  is  explicitly  not  about  establishing  yet  another  IoT   metadata.  The  optional  component WoT-Scripting-API
            standard  in  the  form  of  an  additional  protocol  or  data   defines an ECMAScript-API, which is based closely on
            model, but rather providing tools or so-called technolo-  the TD specification and uses the WoT interaction ab-
            gy modules to create a uniform level of abstraction for   straction. It defines the interface between the behavior
            the heterogeneous IoT landscape.                     implementation  and  a  script  based  WoT  runtime.  The
                                                                 implementation is not limited to scripting environments:
            It  is  deliberately  kept  simple  and  offers  the  following   programming language APIs in Java or C / C++ can be
            three core elements:                                 derived  from  the  WoT  scripting  API.  In  addition,  the
                                                                 Web of Things deals with topics such as discovery and
            1.  Properties typically map sensor, status, or parame-  various aspects of security and privacy.
                ter values

                                                                 In short, the Web of Things offers a new approach to
            2.  Actions  represent  functions  with  input  and  output   cope  with  the  heterogeneity  in  the  IoT  environment.
                values, for example starting a motor, moving a ro-  The Thing Description creates an understanding of dif-
                bot arm, or taking a photo
                                                                 ferent IoT systems and can be used for the composition
            3.  Events typically map alarm signals or data streams   of services. Thanks to JSON-LD, the Thing Description
                                                                 can be annotated with additional semantics, for exam-
            The  so-called  Thing  Description  (TD),  which  maps   ple,  from  SAREF,  and/or  ECLASS.  This
            properties,  actions,  and  events,  plays  a  central  role.   addition improves interoperability and (machine) under-
            Like index.html on a website, it provides the entry point   standing,  among  other  things,  regarding  the  intention
            of an IoT device or a service.                       and the context of the properties, actions, and events. ◊

                                                                                                     By MediaBUZZ

                                                              30                            October 2021: IoT in Marketing
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