Page 25 - AeM_October_2021
P. 25


       Alibaba Cloud launches new enterprise

       solutions for the next-gen workforce

       Alibaba  Cloud,  the  digital  technology  and      make  it  a  perfect  tool  for  businesses  to  host  multi-
       intelligence backbone of Alibaba Group, unveiled    location online and offline conferences and interviews.
       Tingwu,  an  AI-powered  meeting  assistant,        As enterprises continue to embrace the next generation
       alongside a new version of its cloud computer.      of  remote  working,  Tingwu  is  well-positioned  to
       The solutions are tailored for the new world of work and   transform business meetings with productive and easy-
       address surging demand from corporate users looking   to-use automated voice transcription capabilities," said
       to work remotely with more automated support, a trend   Zhijie  Yan,  Head  of  Speech  Lab  of  Alibaba  DAMO
       accelerated by the pandemic.                        Academy.
                                                           Using  DAMO's  proprietary  algorithms  for  analyzing
       An AI assistant designed for intelligent            voiceprints  and  bearings,  Tingwu,  can  distinguish
       notetaking                                          between  the  voices  of  as  many  as  10  meeting
                                                           participants.  The  assistant  is  equipped  with  a  smart
       Tingwu is an AI-powered meeting assistant developed   microphone,  which  can  easily  receive  and  recognize
       by  the  Speech  Lab  of  Alibaba  DAMO  Academy,  the   speech  within  a  10-meter  range  while  reducing
       global research initiative by Alibaba Group.
                                                           background noise.
       The  technology  works  by  converting  the  content  of   Tingwu's ability to comprehend, powered by automatic
       spoken meetings into written minutes in real time with   speech  recognition  capabilities,  natural  language
       up to 98% accuracy, delivering an efficient experience   processing  and  deep-learning  technologies,  enables  it
       for users.
                                                           to  handle  English,  Mandarin  and  14  other  Chinese
       "Underpinned  by  our  end-to-end  speech  recognition   dialects as well as automatically correct or refine notes
       solution,  Tingwu's  accuracy  and  powerful  features   based on the entire context of a meeting. The assistant

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