Page 14 - AeM_Sept_2017
P. 14


             Header bidding is great –

             but Southeast Asia isn’t ready

            Ambient Digital’s CEO Andrew Stephens looks at why   A technology misunderstanding
            advertisers in Southeast Asia aren’t jumping on the
            header bidding bandwagon – even though the benefits   In Southeast Asia, header bidding is becoming a topic
            are obvious.
                                                                 of extreme interest as both publishers and advertisers
            Header bidding is the latest buzzword in ad tech, and   realise its potential. However, marketer and publisher
            with good reason. It’s shaken up online advertising in a   understanding about the technology remains patchy.
            way that is perhaps only comparable to the emergence
            of real-time bidding and programmatic advertising.   None of this comes as a huge surprise. Back when pro-
                                                                 grammatic advertising took off in mature markets, ad-
            The benefits for advertisers and publishers are obvious.   vertisers in the region thought of it as a re-marketing
            Header bidding was born at a time when Google con-   tool, rather than about the major insights it offers on
            trolled the entire ecosystem and essentially had first dibs   digital consumer behaviour.
            on a publisher’s inventory, in turn leading to concerns
            over whether publishers were getting the best price. Ad   Much of the confusion around the technology is legiti-
            tech companies meanwhile felt like they didn’t have   mate but totally addressable (full disclaimer: header
            equal access to quality ad space.                    bidding is available via our SSP and we are currently
                                                                 working with some publishers on integrating it). Pub-
            Header bidding levels the playing field by giving advertis-  lishers have reported that auctioning off impressions to
            ers equal access to publishers and allowing them to sub-  multiple sources all at once causes latency on their
            mit their bids before page load and at the same time –   web pages.
            fetching a higher price for publishers (some report 40%
            higher CPMs), and improves performance for advertis-  We already know that heavy web pages drive readers
            ers.                                                 away or forces them to install ad blockers – but if done
                                                                 right and implemented correctly header bidding doesn’t
            So, what’s the catch?                                affect load times, in fact it could bring it down. This
      14            September  2017 - Immersive & Engagement Marketing (AR / VR)
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