Monday Sep 16th

Local Measure: geo data adding the missing context to social for local businesses
I had the honor to meet Jonathan Barouch, the founder of the social media management company Local Measure recently. The Sydney-based entrepreneur started one of Australia's first e-commerce businesses as a young teen in 1999 and it’s nice to see that he doesn’t seem to have lost even a bit of ...
Understanding the value of predicting your customer’s hidden Needs instead of annoying them with too much advertising
By now we’ve all understood that we need to put the customer at the center of our marketing strategy. But actually, doing that is another matter and calls for the right solution, that enable us to truly and profoundly understand our customers and prospects to deliver only relevant product informat ...
Marketers surge to DMPs with their big data
According to the new eMarketer report, “Data Management Platforms (DMPs): Using Big Data to Power Marketing Performance”, DMPs enable marketers to make use of their Big Data, providing deeper insights for more efficient and smarter marketing decisions. Still, although brands are able to get a mo ...
10 tips for establishing a successful digital insight management plan
The good news is that investing in digital insight management doesn’t have to cost money; the better news is that this investment more than any other unlocks the value of digital analytics within the enterprise, facilitating the shift from analytics as a cost center to analytics as an incremental ...
The four pillars of web controlling and the importance of an integrated web analytics solutions
It’s generally known that those who ask the right questions get the right answers, gaining that way a competitive edge that can make a decisive contribution to their success. Just the same applies to website operators where the most successful ones are those that meet the expectations and needs of ...
Get ready for ‘Viewable Impressions’ since 68% of ads are NOT being seen
A ‘viewable impression’ is a metric, measuring which ads were actually viewable when served. The definition of a ‘viewable impression’ may depend on the type of the ad units and the reporting system.
Cookie profiling, local shared objects and related privacy concerns
The collection of web data, and especially the use of "cookies", raises concerns about individual privacy, a subject that has been discuss at length for years now. Cookies work as a tagging mechanism to identify a computer out of the millions of users accessing the Internet. There are session cookie ...
Digital and Music Matters 2013 returns with Asia’s first ever Youtube FanFest
The award-winning Digital & Music Matters returns from 21 to 24 May 2013 at the Ritz-Carlton Millenia Singapore with an outstanding stable of partners, sponsors and speakers.
Top 10 web analytics tools – which one is right for you?
Web analytics tools enable you to study your website visitors’ behavior. The solution you choose should help you to categorize, understand and interpret the collected data and information in any way you see fit. A good deal of abstraction is necessary for you to focus on priorities without having ...
Silverpop’s ultimate guide to scoring customers and prospects
Numbers, data, formulas and algorithms are playing a bigger role than ever in modern society. The business world is no exception, with marketers scrambling to get their heads around customer and prospect data.
Trend moves towards effective, robust and inexpensive web analytics solutions
Last year, as part of a research study, Dimitri Tarasowski collected data on the deployment and use of digital analytics tools in corporations. He summarized the first results of the study in an article that was dealing with how “Google Analytics found its way into German stock index (DAX) compani ...
Eye-tracking study reveals success factors for video advertising
In today's media landscape, marketers must focus on presenting brands in such a powerful way that they stand out from the flood of advertising messages. Especially since the huge variety of digital media led to an attention economy that exacerbated with the fact that many consumers have started to c ...
Brand new survey finds marketers are operationally proficient, but strategically stalled
The brand new 2013 Marketing Performance Management (MPM) Survey by VisionEdge Marketing (VEM), together with ITSMA and Forrester, captured input from more than 400 respondents, enabling valuable insights on the performance measurement and management challenges marketers face.
Taming the big data beast to drive radical change
Gartner’s report "Big Data Strategy Components: Business Essentials" talks about the necessity for business leaders to be intimately involved in developing "big data" strategies and investigates several business related strategy components that are crucial to success. I hope this summary comes in ...
Vuclip provides insights into key mobile brand metrics beyond CTR
Vuclip, a mobile video and media company, recently started to offer a solution that evaluates mobile campaign effectiveness.
Targeting definitions, including frequency capping and user-declared information targeting
Targeting means displaying advertising to an audience selected and segmented according to predefined criteria. The goal is to deliver advertising to the right target group and make digital advertising more effective, and ensure that users are offered relevant products.
Mediaplex’s cross-channel analytics and ad serving technology leverages maximum digital advertising ROI
Mediaplex, a technology-empowered marketing analytics and optimization company, scientifically identifies the best way for brands to invest marketing resources for maximum ROI.
User experience analysis less complex and more affordable by now
Good usability is a key success factor for websites, not to mention that only continuous web analysis can provide the important clues needed to improve the browsing experience. However, if website owners want to proceed in being more user-centric, they must delve deeper into the user experience an ...
ActuateOne: big data analytics through cloud, hybrid, on-premise, web or touch device deployment
Actuate founded and co-leads the “Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools” (BIRT) open source project, which is used by over 2 million developers around the globe and serves as the foundation of the ActuateOne platform.
Appointments & announcements
IPG Mediabrands, the media innovation unit of Interpublic Group, controlling a $36 billion global media buying portfolio, has appointed Swapna Nayak as the Regional Communications Planning Director, focusing on integrated strategy, innovation, content and owned asset development for Mediabrands’ g ...
Gain competitive edge at ad:tech Singapore 2013
Next month, dmg:: events, the organizer of ad:tech Singapore, brings together the global digital marketing community. Just recently, the final conference and speaker line-up for ad:tech Singapore 2013 has been announced, Asia’s premier digital marketing conference and exhibition.
Does predictive behavioral targeting make click rates less important?
Predictive behavioral targeting uses a linking of surveys and measurement data to open up the entire spectrum for behavioral targeting. It learns from user behavior combined with surveys or other third party data in real time. Machine-learning algorithms are put to work in order to provide ad server ...
Recharge your marketing by utilizing data for a customer audit
Many marketing decisions are made based on a marketer’s “intuition.” While this can be extremely valuable, where possible it can and should be paired with objective trends found within your data.
IPG Mediabrands changes the game in the industry by going ‘fully hybrid’
Don’t we all struggle a bit to keep up with the pace of information, innovation and technology, especially since it is taken-for-granted in the business environment to be informed about everything all the time?
Why co-creative analytics are a social event
Social media analytics is a powerful tool for uncovering customer sentiment dispersed across countless online sources. Though, analytics allow marketers to identify sentiment and identify trends in order to accommodate the customer better, always aiming to collect bundled information with web tracki ...
Google Active View: one step closer to making a viewable standard a reality
Brand marketers, since the “Mad Men” era, have often sought insight to a simple question: ‘Was my ad seen?’ The answer was that your ad was published, your commercial ran, your online impression served on a web page, but it was impossible to say with certainty whether an ad was viewed or not ...
Gain insight from Google Analytics’ Advanced Segments and analytics intelligence
One of the most popular and powerful features in Google Analytics is Advanced Segmentation, that allows you to isolate and analyze subsets of your traffic. You can select from predefined segments such as "Paid Traffic" and "Visits with Conversions" or create your own segments with a flexible, easy-t ...

May 2013 - Targeting, Tracking, Ad-Serving & Web Analytics



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